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"Anyong hashimnika," greeted Sang Huin as he touched the man's arm so that he would know he was addressing him. They spoke loudly because of the noise of the crowds loitering and coming and going from the restrooms. "Yongo mal ha su isumnika?" "Yes, I can speak English. Can I help you?" It was interesting for him to be thought of as an American instantaneously.

Up, and to the office, where I was all the morning doing business, at noon home to dinner, and after dinner down by water, though it was a thick misty and rainy day, and walked to Deptford from Redriffe, and there to Bagwell's by appointment, where the 'mulier etoit within expecting me venir.... By and by 'su marido' come in, and there without any notice taken by him we discoursed of our business of getting him the new ship building by Mr.

Su señoria was noteworthy firstly, because, secondly, because, fourteenthly, because ... Nay more, he had accomplished this, performed that, endeavored the other thing "But" and with this but, alas, Rafael must begin to loosen up on a little of what he had prepared in advance.

There was Richambeau walking away, telescope under arm, even as the other 12-pounder on shore replied impudently to the gun he had fired. "A good aim," he heard Richambeau say, jerking a finger backward towards him. Was it then? said Ranulph to himself; was it indeed? Ba su, it was the last shot he would ever fire against aught English, here or elsewhere.

Having breakfasted before starting I wheel on without halting, crossing the Araxes Eiver at the junction of the Passin Su, on a very ancient stone bridge known as the Tchebankerpi, or the bridge of pastures, said to be over a thousand years old. Nearing Dele Baba Pass, a notorious place for robbers, I pass through a village of sedentary Koords.

Open Homer anywhere, and the casual grandeur of his untranslatable language appears; such lines as: amphi de naees smerdaleon konabaesan ausanton hup' Achaion. That, you might say, is Homer at his ease; when he exerts himself you get a miracle like: su den strophalingi koniaes keiso megas megalosti, lelasmenos hipposunaon.

Con el nombre de Dios piadoso y misericordioso, &c. El sieruo de Dios soberano, el conquistador per su causa, el successor ensalçado por Dios, Emperador de los Moros, hijo del Emperador de los Moros, Iariffe, Haceni, el que perpetue su honora, y ensalçe su estado. Se pone este nuestro real mandado en manos de los criados de neustras altas puertas los mercadores Yngleses; para que por el sepan todos los que la presente vieren, come nuestro alto Conseio les anpara con el fauor de Dios de todo aquello, que les enpeciere y dannare en qualquiera manera, que fueren offendidos, y en qualquiera viaie, que fueren, ninguno les captinar

Pao-yue would not believe it, and lady Feng at once called Ts'ai Ming to look up the list, which she handed for Pao-yue's inspection; but while they were arguing a servant came in to announce that Chao Erh, who had gone to Su Chow, had returned, and lady Feng all in a flurry directed that he should be asked to walk in. Chao Erh bent one knee and paid his obeisance.

There was a M. de Puimorin who, to be in the fashion, laughed at your once popular Epic. 'It is all very well for a man to laugh who cannot even read. Whereon M. de Puimorin replied: 'Qu'il n'avoit que trop su' lire, depuis que Chapelain s'etoit avise de faire imprimer. A new horror had been added to the accomplishment of reading since Chapelain had published.

"In vain does su señoria fatigue his wits. Spain is and will remain a profoundly religious country. Her history is the history of Catholicism: she has survived in all her times of storm and stress by tightly embracing the Cross."