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Advertisements, clerks, banking-accounts. Appearance of Mr. Sturgiss, partner in Field and Company "Field's" the bankers and agents. Field's is a private bank. Its business is principally with persons resident in the East, soldiers, civil servants, tea planters, East India merchants. Field's is in Lombard Street.

When sometimes she glanced towards him it was with the thought, "Fancy being one of the rising young men at the Bar, being the rising young man the Bar, with silk and ermine and, why not? the Woolsack before you and being that, doing that! Fatted calf; dilly, dilly, come and be killed, goose; tame cat!" Here, at the table of Mr. Sturgiss, it was very different.

She dealt with all the insurance advice and with income-tax advice and business; and it was remarkable to her, at first, how many of Field's clients were as children in the mysteries of income tax, and as children alike in their ignorance of the possibilities of life insurance and in their pleasure at the discoveries she set before them. Sturgiss and Mr.

Houses new, two sitting-roomed houses extended beyond it and around it, and now stretch miles beyond and about, but Mrs. Sturgiss told Rosalie that when they first came there they actually had cows grazing and horses ploughing in fields adjoining their garden. Mrs. Sturgiss sighed pleasantly as she said it. "Things are going ahead at such a pace now!" said Mrs. Sturgiss.

It was one of those houses standing a few miles along the main thoroughfares out of London that, now in decay or displaced by busy shops, packed villas, or monstrous flats, were then the distinctly impressive residences of distinctly well-to-do business people. Mr. Sturgiss was a distinctly well-to-do business person.

There was the cry about releasing a man for the front that alone. I was releasing half a dozen men. Field said I was. I knew I was. How could I go back and be one of the women sitting at home? That alone! How could I? And there was more than that. It wasn't only the understaffing. It was Sturgiss going. I'd been absorbing the banking business for years. It was meat and drink to me.

Field and by Mr. Sturgiss to be invaluable to the bank; absorbing and splendid to Rosalie. "And still," Mr. Sturgiss was always saying, "still capable of much bigger development." He sketched one day a development that would be a stride indeed. It began to be discussed by the three.

"I am quite ready now." She pretended she had not heard. Mrs. Sturgiss said, "My dear, do you like it, being what you are?" "Oh, I love it. I simply love it. It is everything to me, everything in the world!" Mrs. Sturgiss opened the door. "No, you go first, my dear. But if I had had a dear girl, such as you, I would have wished her to stay with me at home."

You've been loyal to poor Simcox to the end. This business is your own now. We want it. We want you. We want you in Lombard Street." This, cut and dried, glowingly enlarged in long interviews with Mr. Sturgiss and Mr.

Rosalie is moved there. Manager of her own side of the business. The war comes. Sturgiss goes out. Other important officers of the bank go out. Her importance increases very much in other sides of the bank's business than her own. Press scents her out and writes her up. "The only woman banker." "Brilliant woman financier." Contributes articles to the reviews. Very much a leading woman of her day.