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Mash well; add the yolks of 4 beaten eggs, 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1 cup of bread-crumbs, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 1/2 cup of chopped nuts, and the whites of the eggs beaten stiff. Put in a well-buttered pudding-dish and bake in a moderate oven until done. Serve cold. Irish Beef Stew. Season a piece of fat beef; put in a stew-pan with some hot water. Let cook slowly a half hour.

Cut thin slices off from any tender part, divide them into pieces of the size of a wine biscuit, flatten and flour them, and lightly fry in clarified fat, lay them in a stew-pan with good stock, season to taste, have pickled gherkins chopped small, and add to the gravy a few minutes before serving.

In summer three days is the longest time allowed for the meat to remain in this pickle; but in winter eight days is not too long. When ready to boil, heat one tablespoon drippings in a stew-pan. Cut up one or two onions in it; stew until tender and then put in the beef, salting it on both sides before stewing.

You can parboil it after it is filled in the soup you are to have for dinner, then take it up carefully and brown slightly in a spider of heated fat; or form the mixture into a huge ball and bake it in the oven with flakes of fat put here and there, basting often. Bake until a hard crust is formed over it. Heat some goose fat in a stew-pan with a close-fitting lid.

French Stewed Quail. Stuff the quail. Put 1 tablespoonful of butter in a large stew-pan; add some thin slices of bacon. Let get very hot. Lay in the birds; sprinkle with salt and pepper; add 1 small onion and 1 carrot chopped fine. Cover and let brown a few minutes, then add 1 cup of hot water. Let stew slowly until tender.

It gave them only a small morsel each, serving as a sort of prelude to the more substantial breakfast soon to follow, and for which they could now wait with greater composure. In due time Saloo, who was wonderfully skilled in the tactics of the forest cuisine, pronounced the stew sufficiently done; when the stew-pan was lifted from the fire, and set in the soft sand for its contents to cool.

To a large fish add half a pint of water; you can add more for the gravy if necessary; dust flour over and baste it with butter. Any other fresh fish can be baked in the same way. A large one will bake slowly in an hour and a half, small ones in half an hour. To Stew a Rock Fish. Rub the fish with salt and pepper, and a little cayenne on the inside; put it in an oval stew-pan.

One hot, savory beef-stew for supper, a night's good sleep, and she would be fit in the morning to apply again for the tasks of Hercules, Joan of Arc, Una, Job, and Little-Red-Riding-Hood. In her room she got the granite-ware stew-pan out of the 2x4-foot china er I mean earthenware closet, and began to dig down in a rat's-nest of paper bags for the potatoes and onions.

To make FRUIT FRITTERS. Take a penny loaf, cut off the out crust, slice it, put to it as much hot milk as will wet it, beat five or six eggs, put to them a quarter of a pound of currans well cleaned, and a little candid orange shred fine, so mix them well together, drop them with a spoon into a stew-pan in clarified butter; have a little white wine, butter and sugar for your sauce, put it into a china bason, lay your fritters round, grate a little sugar over them, and serve them up.

'Going it on the strong! said I, giving Uncle Jeff a significant wedge under the shorts as he was about to let the grease in the stew-pan fuzzle.