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The king invariably went out to war in a chariot, and always fought from it, excepting at the siege of a town, when he occasionally dismounted and shot his arrows on foot. The chief state-officers and other personages of high rank followed the same practice. Inferior persons served either as cavalry or as foot-soldiers. The Assyrian war-chariot is thought to have been made of wood.

The hunting was conducted by state-officers, who aimed at forming by its means in the youths committed to their charge all the qualities needed in war.

It is said that the aid of assassins was not to be refused; the death of the Bāb might then be described as 'a deplorable accident. The Bāb himself was liable at any moment to be called into a conference of mullas and high state-officers, and asked absurd questions. He got tired of this and thought he would change his residence, especially as the cholera came and scattered the population.

By a change which we shall have to trace the ministry has now become a Committee of State-officers named by the majority of the House of Commons from amongst the more prominent of its representatives in either House, whose object in accepting office is to do the will of that majority.