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William Borrow had gone to America, where he had won a prize for a new and wonderful application of steam. His death is said to have occurred as the result of mental fatigue. In this Borrow saw cause for grave complaint against the wretched English Aristocracy that forced talent out of the country by denying it employment or honour, which were all for their "connections and lick- spittles."

She's capable of saving up all her pocket-money to buy him a foreign title, as a rich, ugly woman I once knew did who married a man called Spittles. He was a bad lot when she married him, and he stayed so. But as the Comte d'Oppitale it didn't matter. Vices became merely quaint little eccentricities.

I knewed the Horned Lizard 'ud be after some trick." "What?" inquire several voices. "Look whar that lot's stannin' out yonder. Can't ye guess what they're at, Frank Hamersley?" "No. I only see that they have bows in their hands." "An' arrers, too. Don't you obsarve them wroppin' somethin' round the heads o' the arrers looks like bits o' rags? Aye, rags it air, sopped in spittles and powder.

He found himself in front of a door where an enamel plate repeated, inscribed in sky-blue lettering, the name on the signboard. He rang the bell and then, terrified by the great red spittles which he noticed on the steps, he faced about, resolved to endure his toothache all his life.

Bayliss vomited a while ago;" and, stepping back, be brought me a white bowl two-thirds full of what might have been the contents of a coffee-pot, with a bottle of black ink thrown in, and a few spittles floating on top. This, he told me, indicated mortification. We now passed into the parlor, where we could talk without disturbing the patient.