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Such is the consciousness of a spiritually-minded human being. Or to take a simile from human experience. There are times when we go abroad to travel just for change of scenery and the refreshment which change brings with it.

Then the stations on the way are unable to captivate our attention; we are impatient to pass them by; we welcome each one as we approach it as bringing us one step nearer to the desired goal. Some such analogy will help us understand the inner state of a spiritually-minded person. He thinks always of the ultimate end.

Monophysite tendencies are inherent in religious thought. The metaphysical idea, on which it rests, still has a powerful hold over the human mind. Spiritually-minded men are especially liable to this form of error. It is a mistake to think that Christological questions were settled once and for all in the fifth century. Each generation has to settle them afresh.

And it is hard to counterfeit spiritual graces, such as love to Christ, sincere intending of the glory of God, and such like spiritual things. Yes, indeed; it is hard to put on and to go through with a truly spiritual grace even to the best and most spiritually-minded of men; and as for the true hypocrite, he never honestly attempts it.

But, then, so's my dear brother Ernest; and you know, they're none the worse for it, apparently, any of them: indeed, I don't know that there's anybody with whom I can talk more sympathetically on spiritual matters than dear Ernest. Depend upon it, most of the most spiritually-minded people nowadays are outside all the churches altogether.

In my last solitary walk to La Traille, I was led to pray in secret for preservation on our journey, and almost to ask an assurance of protection, but received for answer, "Go, in faith." On the 21st of the First Month, they left Geneva and went forward to Lausanne, where they were again refreshed with the society of some spiritually-minded persons. 23rd We visited several of the pastors.

About a year and a half or two years ago, there was a remarkable awakening in the canton of Berne, and a few here and there of a more spiritually-minded sort seceded. There is a ferment to prevent their meeting together, and to compel them to go to the usual place of worship; but in vain, for nothing but spiritual food can satisfy their hungry souls.

Spiritually-minded men do not, as a rule, talk much of their spiritual experiences; but, if one had asked Wilberforce to say what he regarded as the most decisive moment of his religious life, I can well believe that he would have replied, "The moment when 'it pleased God to reveal His Son in me."

Miss Scudder, I wish sometimes you'd just let me make a ruffled shirt for him, and do it all up myself, and put a stitch in the hem that I learned from my sister Martha, who learned it from a French young lady who was educated in a convent; nuns, you know, poor things, can do some things right; and I think I never saw such hemstitching as they do there; and I should like to hemstitch the Doctor's ruffles; he is so spiritually-minded, it really makes me love him.

Thousands of ministers and spiritually-minded laymen of many denominations have travelled since Channing's death the road he laid out, and so have been delivered from the inhuman doctrines of the fall of man, the wrath of God, vicarious atonement, everlasting hell for the majority, and the rescue of a predestined few.