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A maid of honah should be too honahable to insist on finding out things that were not intended for her to know. I hadn't thought. If mothah took all the trouble of sending a special-delivery lettah to you to keep me from knowing till my birthday, I'm not going to pry around trying to find out." "Well, if you aren't the queerest," began Grace.

The servile one handed him a letter with a special-delivery stamp on it. "Excuse me for intruding, sir," said Slawson, meekly smiling, "but I knew this was urgent." "All right. Get out!" growled Flint. When the man was gone, he fortified himself with a couple of morphine tablets, and ripped the long envelope. It was from Slade, he knew, of the Cosmos Agency. With a rapid eye he glanced it over.

She despatched a special-delivery letter to Helen, explaining why she could not take the sleeper Helen had the impression that Betty had gone to New York to have her hair waved and was ashamed to confess to such frivolity. Then she yawned for a while over "The Canterbury Tales," and went to bed early, so as to be in perfect trim for the next day's interview. She intended to see Mr.

It was a rare bit of consideration that now followed. No sooner had the father's letter reached the White House than an answer came back by first post this time with a special-delivery stamp on it. It was Theodore Roosevelt, the father, who wrote this time; his mind and time filled with affairs of state, and yet full of tender thoughtfulness for a little boy: DEAR MR. BOK:

I wonder that he did not put a special-delivery stamp on his letter. He is probably wondering why I am so dilatory in answering. There seems to be an inherent tendency in nearly all living things to scatter, to seek new fields. They are obeying the first command to increase and multiply. Then it is also a question of food, which is limited in every locality.

"Nice rooms reasonable," he said, "and I'll be near to look after you." "You're awful fresh, seems to me, on short acquaintance," was Kedzie's stinging rebuke. Skip laughed. "Didn't you see the special-delivery stamp on me forehead? But I guess you're a goil can take care yourself." Kedzie guessed she was. But she was in need of help. Where else could she turn?

She had been in a flutter of delight when Madame Chartley put it in her hand, asking her to find Elizabeth Lewis and give it to her. But now that she stood in the charmed presence, actually watching a poem in the process of construction, she paused, overwhelmed by the feeling that she was rushing in "where angels feared to tread." Still, special-delivery letters are important things.

To ensure its delivery the same evening, I ought to have put a special-delivery stamp on it price fivepence in addition to the ordinary two-cent stamp. No doubt it is the universal employment of the telephone in American cities that leads people to put up with such defective postal arrangements.

Kirby could not begin all over again to thrash him. It was not reasonable. And if he did, he knew quite well he would get nothing out of the man. If he would not talk, he would not. The bronco buster walked back to his hotel. A special-delivery letter was in his box. It was postmarked Golden. As he handed it to him the clerk looked him over curiously.

It was only within herself that each moment was different from every other. When evening came at last, nothing had happened, yet Beverley's nerves were jarred as if by a succession of shocks. As Léontine dressed her for dinner, a sharp tap at the door made her jump and cry out. "A special-delivery letter for me, Madame," announced the Frenchwoman. "Have I Madame's permission?