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"There is yet time before Pilate cometh. Tell on." "Where the blue Aegean washes the shores of sunny Thrace," the eunuch began, with a far-away look in his eye. "Yea, in the land of Sparticus, that bravest of all fighters for the freedom of mankind, there lived my people and there lived I save when to gain knowledge I attended the schools of Greece.

"Aye, but Sparticus was betrayed by one of his own," a voice called. "So will the Galilean be betrayed," came the reply. "The Galilean hath a great following of men strong and zealous who would go with him to the death." "Were not the Lusitanians strong and brave? Was not Lusitania ravished and stripped? And who remained after the massacre of Galba?

How then if there is no articulata implementa, could there be Roman property? And who would pay for the circus?" "I know not. But the arm of Caesar will see that no chance is given this wild teaching of liberty. Not since Sparticus lifted the sword to get freedom for his kind has the head of our Caesar rested on an easy pillow.

He listened intently as a speech-maker said to the Phoenician: "And is this Galilean wiser and braver than Sparticus? Did not this noble lover of human liberty slay Roman legions as a fierce wind strikes down forest leaves? And yet was he not at last hacked to bits and his loyal followers hung on crosses to fatten birds of prey?"