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It is the whole of women, who are guided by nothing else: and it has so much to say, even with men, and the ablest men too, that it commonly triumphs in every struggle with the understanding. Monsieur de Rochefoucault, in his "Maxims," says, that 'l'esprit est souvent la dupe du coeur. If he had said, instead of 'souvent, tresque toujours', I fear he would have been nearer the truth.

Ces conseils ont ete suivis, et les monarchistes se sont prepares a entreprendre la lutte electorale avec une organisation de comites de departemeent, d'arrondissement et de canton, appuyes le plus souvent sur des reunions plenieres qui marquent un grand changement dans la vie politique du parti conservateur. Cette organisation se perfectionnera dans les elections memes.

So the oration goes on to the end. He asserts, addressing himself to Piso, that if he saw him and Gabinius crucified together, he did not know whether he would be most delighted by the punishment inflicted on their bodies or by the ruin of their reputation. He declares that he has prayed for all evil on Piso and Gabinius, and that the gods have heard him, but it has not been for death, or sickness, or for torment, that he had prayed, but for such evils as have in truth come upon them. Two Consuls sent with large armies into two of the grandest provinces have returned with disgrace. That one meaning Piso has not dared even to send home an account of his doings; and the other Gabinius has not had his words credited by the Senate, nor any of his requests granted! He Cicero, had hardly dared to hope for all this, but the gods had done it for him! The most absurd passage is that in which he tells Piso that, having lost his army which he had done he had brought back nothing in safety but that "old impudent face of his." Altogether it is a tirade of abuse very inferior to Cicero's dignity. Le Clerc, the French critic and editor, speaks the truth when he says, "Il faut avouer qu'il manque surtout de modération, et que la gravité d'un orateur consulaire y fait trop souvent place

Then of course there'll be Japan and by that time there'll be airships to the North Pole, and we can take it on our way home!" "Souvent femme varie!" Mr. Manvers raised a pair of surprisingly shrewd eyes from the carpet. "I remember the years when I used to try and dig you and Hugh out of Bagley, and drive you abroad without the smallest success."

Gould va venir passer huit jours ici; je trouve amiable de sa part de bien vouloir venir s'etablir a Kew pour etre pres de moi; mon oncle viendra peut-etre aussi. "Je vais me plaindre un peu, tout doucement, de la petite cherie de Pre-Charmoy; elle n'ecrit pas assez souvent a son mari qui recoit toujours ses lettres avec tant de plaisir.

There came into my mind a passage here at the beginning, apropos of what we were saying: "Il faut souvent un vrai courage pour persister dans une opinion juste en depit de ses defenseurs." Isn't that capital? Peak received it with genuine appreciation; for once he was able to laugh unfeignedly. The aphorism had so many applications from his own point of view. 'Excellent!

«Plus souvent plusieurs blocs séparés les uns des autres, forment la base, et un ou plusieurs blocs sont posés immédiatement dessus, sans ordre constant, tantôt inclinés, mais toujours d'une manière stable et fixe, propre

His tone of contemptuous indulgence toward a more or less captious clergy might be tolerated, but he should have shown a more respectful sincerity in dealing with the sincere and the spiritual. Mon Dieu, que les honnetes gens sont souvent exposes a etre des pharisiens sans le savoir!" Later.

"'Le temps assez souvent a rendu legitime Ce qui sembloit d'abord ne se pouvoir sans crime;" answered Saville with a mock heroic air. "The fact is, that we are an indolent people; the person who succeeds the most with us has but to push the most.

Une physionomie plus curieuse était celle de Lord Russell, plein d'anecdotes, spirituel, souvent froid en apparence,