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She came upon many marked passages; and in her heart the unrest continued, and she allowed her hands to stray over the coarse cloth of his mackinaw, and once she threw herself upon his bunk and buried her face in his blankets, and sobbed the dry, racking sobs of her deep soul-hurt.

Ann Walden was past any earthly worriment, and Sally Taber could not understand then, or ever, the soul-hurt little Cynthia had received. "It's good friends now and always, little Cyn?" "Yes, dear Cup-o'-Cold-Water Lady!" They stood by the dilapidated gate. "And you will come often to Trouble Neck?" "Right often." "And you are not afraid? Remember I have a care over you." "I am not afraid."

And now.... With Alecto's maddening finger pressed on the soul-hurt, no man is responsible. After the furious storm of upbubbling curses had spent itself there was a little calm, not of surcease but of vacuity, since even the cursing vocabulary has its limitations. Then a grouping of words long forgotten arrayed itself before him, like the handwriting on the wall of Belshazzer's banqueting hall.

The discovery brought no poignant pain, no stabbing agony of a fresh heart-wound; but worse the dull, deep, soul-hurt of annihilation; the hurt that damns men's lives. He smiled with bitter cynicism as his thoughts dwelt upon the little love of women, the shifting love, that rests but lightly on the heart, to change with the changing moon.