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In the beginning of this dispensation all his people prophesied among the nations; for Christ had said unto them, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and in Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." Acts 1:8. So, also, in this evening time we go forth again on the same mission, inspired by the soon-coming of our Savior. "Even so come, Lord Jesus."

But hereby stoic influences were at work, to fit him at a soon-coming day for enacting a part in the last extremities here seen; when by sickness, destitution, each busy ill of exile, he was destined to experience a fate, uncommon even to luckless humanity a fate whose crowning qualities were its remoteness from relief and its depth of obscurity London, adversity, and the sea, three Armageddons, which, at one and the same time, slay and secrete their victims.

The men of Capernaum went out after our Lord in their boats because they had eaten of the multiplied loaves and hoped to do so again. Zebedee's children had forsaken all and followed our Lord, because they counted to sit the one on His right hand and the other on His left hand in His soon-coming kingdom. The pain and the shame all that cost our Lord, we can only remotely imagine.

VINCENT: I have tarried somewhat the longer, uncle, partly because I was loth to come over-soon, lest my soon-coming might have happed to have made you wake too soon. But I tarried especially for the reason that I was delayed by someone who showed me a letter, dated at Constantinople, by which it appeareth that the great Turk prepareth a marvellous mighty army.

And may we, my brethren, be grateful to our dear Lord that it is our privilege to have part in this glorious reformation of divine truth that is now sweeping over the world and gathering the elect together for the soon-coming of the Savior.