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"Wallahi, bana, I never heard the name; but stop, Kazeh, in Kinyamwezi, means 'kingdom. Perhaps they gave that name to the place they stopped at. But then, I used to call the first house Sny bin Amer's house, and Speke lived at Musa Mzuri's house, but both houses, as well as all the rest, are in Tabora." "Thank you, sheikh.

As he was notorious among the Arabs for having assisted Manwa Sera in his war against Sheikh Sny bin Amer, high eulogies upon whom have been written by Burton, and subsequently by Speke, and as he was the second most powerful chief in Ugogo, of course he was quite a curiosity to me.

When we went to visit Mussoud bin Abdullah, he showed me the very ground where Burton and Speke's house stood now pulled down and replaced by his office Sny bin Amer's house was also torn down, and the fashionable tembe of Unyanyembe, now in vogue, built over it, finely-carved rafters huge carved doors, brass knockers, and lofty airy rooms a house built for defence and comfort.

It ain't no use, we CAN'T kill dem po' strangers dat ain't doin' us no harm, till we've had practice I knows it perfectly well, Mars Tom 'deed I knows it perfectly well. But ef we takes a' axe or two, jist you en me en Huck, en slips acrost de river to-night arter de moon's gone down, en kills dat sick fam'ly dat's over on the Sny, en burns dey house down, en " "Oh, you make me tired!" says Tom.