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If you have a mind to see a little delicate fibbing, some scientific bruising as taught by the famous Natty Bell, foot and fist-work as exhibited by Glorious John, Jem Belcher and " "'E swallowed all my beer, 'e did, sir!" exclaimed a red-faced man in gaiters and smock-frock, "in one gullup so quick no 'and could stay the deed! Stole me beer an' can't deny it "

Their noise increased to a chorus of baas, upon which Oak pulled the milk-can from before the fire, and taking a small tea-pot from the pocket of his smock-frock, filled it with milk, and taught those of the helpless creatures which were not to be restored to their dams how to drink from the spout a trick they acquired with astonishing aptitude.

By the expenditure of five pounds ten shillings, plus the cost of a smock-frock and some provisions, George Borrow, linguist, editor and translator, became a travelling tinker. With his dauntless little pony, Ambrol, he set out, a tinkering Ulysses, indifferent to what direction he took, allowing the pony to go whither he felt inclined.

"Make way for the omnibus of the departed!" cried Ciboule. "No danger of having one's toes crushed in that omnibus," said the quarryman. "Doubtless they're easy to please, the stiff-uns in there." "They never want to be set down, at all events." "I say, there's only one reg'lar on duty as postilion!" "That's true, the leaders are driven by a man in a smock-frock." "Oh!

The miller went about saying, 'David, the nine best glasses from the corner cupboard! 'David, the corkscrew! 'David, whisk the tail of thy smock-frock round the inside of these quart pots afore you draw drink in 'em they be an inch thick in dust! 'David, lower that chimney-crook a couple of notches that the flame may touch the bottom of the kettle, and light three more of the largest candles! 'If you can't get the cork out of the jar, David, bore a hole in the tub of Hollands that's buried under the scroff in the fuel-house; d'ye hear?

"She began one morning, when her window was open, by giving them a kind smile as they were walking gravely by, with a man in a smock-frock behind them. On seeing this smile they both stopped short and dropped formal curtseys. "From that time, for a week or more, these smiles and these curtseys passed between the old lady and the twins twice every day regularly.

If Noah had been attired in his charity-boy's dress, there might have been some reason for the Jew opening his eyes so wide; but as he had discarded the coat and badge, and wore a short smock-frock over his leathers, there seemed no particular reason for his appearance exciting so much attention in a public-house. 'Is this the Three Cripples? asked Noah.

"Why, so it is, Ancient." "An' Peter !" The pinch of snuff fell, and made a little brown cloud on the snow of his smock-frock as he rose, trembling, and leaned towards me, across the table. "Well, Ancient?" "Your throat !" "Yes what of it?" "It be all marked scratched it be tore, as if as if claws 'ad been at it, Peter, long sharp claws!" "Is it, Ancient?"

No soldier, who has been reduced to his coatee in a campaign, but must have sighed after his original smock-frock, or any other outer covering that had at least some pretensions to being useful. Since, however, the idea of defending the body of the foot-soldier by steel or leather is given up, the two things requisite in a serviceable coat are warmth and convenience.

A laborer, apparently, for he wore a smock-frock and had hobnails in his shoes; but his whiskers were large and black, quite hiding the lower part of his face, and his broad-brimmed "wide-awake" came far over his brows.