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Fits, and what he may try to do to us in the night," thought Dan Dalzell, while his lids fell heavily. "If I do sleep, it will be to wake every little while with a start. Well, so much the better. If I wake often I'm likely to hear the scoundrel if he starts anything around here when he thinks we're so drowsy that we're dead to the world and gullup!" That last exclamation was a snore.

I told you not to eat them all at a gullup," growled the woman. "I never saw the like of you fer gluttonin', Josiah!" "And I never saw the beat of you fer growlin'. How do you feel, missy?" "Will you shet up? Josiah Hobbs! Don't you see she's sleepin' like a babe?" "And do you think it's her? The one from the sanitation?" "Shet up!" "And there's a lot of money in that. Well, we need it." Mrs.

Sometimes I have a sharp twinge o' somethin' in me leg or me arrm, but it ain't rheumatiz, an' I wouldn't like for me son Sammy's wife to be knowin' it, for the very sight of her startin' for the karrysene if it's only to fill the lamp, is enough to make me gullup, an' I know it's the same wit' me son Sammy, though we never mention the subjeck between us."

I was yet some distance away when I became aware that something untoward was afoot, for, borne to my ears, came a sound of excited voices, dominated all at once by one deep and hoarse and loud in virtuous indignation. "Drunk me beer, I tell 'ee every drop! Drunk me beer at one gullup so quick's a flash the 'eartless ruffin!" Hereupon rose an answering chorus. "Throw 'im out! Duck 'im!

I just give'm the truth the way he'd take it, like you give people castor-oil that's too dainty to gullup it down straight. Some likes it in lemon, an' some in grobyules, but it's castor-oil all the same. He wanted to know the truth about you, an' I let him have it, the truth bein' you're as fine a lady as any in the land.

If you have a mind to see a little delicate fibbing, some scientific bruising as taught by the famous Natty Bell, foot and fist-work as exhibited by Glorious John, Jem Belcher and " "'E swallowed all my beer, 'e did, sir!" exclaimed a red-faced man in gaiters and smock-frock, "in one gullup so quick no 'and could stay the deed! Stole me beer an' can't deny it "