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Cummings gave up the chase, and returning just in time, had stopped Chip's success by knocking him down with a slungshot and carrying him off. When Barney, or, rather, Sam, returned to renew his investigation, he found the shop empty, save the intoxicated Cook.

It was the rule that the man who was the readiest in the use of fist and slungshot at home had the greatest diffidence about forming a close acquaintance with cold lead in the neighborhood of the front. Thousands of the so-called "dangerous classes" were recruited, from whom the Government did not receive so much service as would pay for the buttons on their uniforms.

"It cost Columbus twenty thousand dollars to fit out his explorin expedition," sed I. "If he had bin a sensible man he'd hav put the money in a hoss railroad or a gas company, and left this magnificent continent to intelligent savages, who when they got hold of a good thing knew enuff to keep it, and who wouldn't hav seceded, nor rebelled, nor knockt Liberty in the hed with a slungshot.

So we got off the train in Los Perros, a fine little town in the silver region. "I had an elegant little sure thing in the way of a commercial slungshot that I intended to hit Bassett behind the ear with.

Out there the people we skin are trying to skin us, even the farmers and the remittance men that the magazines send out to write up Goldfields. But there's little sport in New York city for rod, reel or gun. They hunt here with either one of two things a slungshot or a letter of introduction. The town has been stocked so full of carp that the game fish are all gone.

John told the fellow if Cole were there he would not dare do that, and Gillcreas said Cole should be in prison, and all Quantrell’s men with him. Gillcreas went away, but returned to the attack, this time armed with a heavy slungshot. In the meantime John had gotten the pistol which had been in the wagon. Gillcreas came up to resume the fight and John shot him dead.

The people and their officers took the slave's side, and the case was fought in and out of court. The sheriff of the county was brutally beaten with a slungshot by the marshal who had so narrowly escaped death himself, and never take a thousand dollars for him; the money was promptly raised and paid over, and White lived on unmolested.

"But how can they stop me?" "I dunno, Sammy. But they ain't a-going to let you." There was a pause. "It's a crazy thing you're tryin' to do," said the other. "And take my word for it somethin' will happen to you if you go on." "What will happen?" "I dunno, my boy maybe you'll fall into the river." "Fall into the river!" "Yes; or else run your head into a slungshot some night, in a dark alley.

As long as snowballs were the only weapon, no one was much hurt, but a stone may be put in a snowball, and in the dark a stick or a slungshot in the hands of a boy is as effective as a knife. One afternoon the fight had been long and exhausting.

The slungshot was found with the thong twined about Gillcreas’ wrist. John Younger The coroner’s jury acquitted John, and there were many people in Independence who felt that he had done just right. When I went to Louisiana in 1868 John went with me, afterward accompanying me to Texas.