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The clerk fired upon him with a pistol, and thinks he wounded him in the left forearm. In their fight the robber struck him with a sling-shot, and he fell, and remembers nothing more until he came to in the dark alone. The skin was cut in little squares, where the shot struck him, and that is one of the strong points against you." "Against me?" said Trove. "Yes that and another.

"I took this bottle, sling-shot, and bar of iron away from him. The woman thought I had better bring them with me and put them out of his way." He laid them on the floor in a corner. "I got him into bed," he continued, "and then hid the axe and came away. I guess they're all right now. When I left he had begun to snore." "Wal, we ain't all right," said Tunk, pointing to the room.

Loud was the merriment at school over the Cranstons' blunders in spelling and arithmetic, but what what was that as offset to their prowess on pony-back, their skill with the bow and sling-shot, their store of Indian trinkets, trophies, ay, even to the surreptitiously shown Indian scalp?

Before it could be repeated, the grizzly swung himself sidewise, and the second blow caught Muskwa. The flat of the black's foot struck him, and for twenty feet he was sent like a stone out of a sling-shot. He was not cut, but he was stunned. In that same moment Thor released his hold on his enemy's throat, and swung two or three feet to one side. He was dripping blood.

When the boys want to rile her they get a sling-shot an' shoot the birds in her garden an' she just goes crazy. She pretty near starves herself every winter trying to feed all the birds that come around. She has lots of 'em to feed right out o' her hand. Da says they think its an old pine root, but she has a way o' coaxin' 'em that's awful nice.

Back in a dark corner, upon a beam, lay a big sling-shot one of those that boys swing around their heads with a stone in the heel of it, and then let go one end to shoot the missile to a distance. The leather loop was saturated with the gasoline, and it had been scorched, too. The smell of burning, as well as the smell of gasoline, was very distinct.

"I'll take these to the barn," said he; "they'd have a fit if they was t' see 'em. What be they?" "I do not know what they are," said Trove. "Wal!" said Tunk. "They're queer folks them Frenchmen. This looks like an iron bar broke in two in the middle." He got his lantern, picked up the bottle, the sling-shot, and the iron, and went away to the barn.

The sun was on the horizon line, so far behind the back fence, and a western window of the house blazed in gold unbearable to the eye: his day was nearly over. He sighed, and took from the inside pocket of his new jacket the "sling-shot" aunt Sarah Crim had given him that morning. He snapped the rubbers absently. They held fast; and his next impulse was entirely irresistible.

On the table were pieces of clear quartz and tourmaline and, about each window-frame, odd nests of bird or insect souvenirs of wood-life and his travel with the drove. There, too, on the table were mementos of that first day of his teaching, the mirror spectacles with which he had seen at once every corner of the schoolroom, the sling-shot and bar of iron he had taken from the woodsman, Leblanc.

No lover of birds need fear that one of you will rob a bird's nest or use a sling-shot on a feathered neighbor. You show by your stories about the birds that a proper regard and appreciation for them has been fostered in you by your teacher.