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It was expected, however, that they would be torn down; but, instead of that, there was a written notice posted up immediately under each, which ran in the following words: "'Any man that'll dare to take the farm belonging to smooth Sam Simmons, and sitivated at the long ridge, will be flayed alive. " Mat Midnight. "'B. N. It's it that was latterrally occupied by the Grogans.

The tinker was seated under a hedge, hammering away at an old kettle, with a little fire burning in front of him, and the donkey hard by, indulging in a placid doze. Mr. Sprott looked up as Lenny passed, nodded kindly, and said, "Good evenin', Lenny: glad to hear you be so 'spectably sitivated with Mounseer."

'I do consider the young 'ooman, Sir, said Sam. 'I have considered the young 'ooman. I've spoke to her. I've told her how I'm sitivated; she's ready to vait till I'm ready, and I believe she vill. If she don't, she's not the young 'ooman I take her for, and I give her up vith readiness. You've know'd me afore, Sir. My mind's made up, and nothin' can ever alter it.

The tinker was seated under a hedge, hammering away at an old kettle, with a little fire burning in front of him, and the donkey hard by, indulging in a placid doze. Mr. Sprott looked up as Lenny passed, nodded kindly, and said, "Good evenin', Lenny: glad to hear you be so 'spectably sitivated with Mounseer."