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They unearthed a nondescript female who undertook to bear the burden as far as Sinopoli for a reasonable consideration. So far good. But as we proceeded, the boys began to drop off, till only a single one was left. And then the woman suddenly vanished down a side street, declaring that she must change her clothes.

And you will pay him nothing at all, unless he deserves it. Such is the arrangement. Are you content?" "You have acted like a man." The earthquake survivor set off at a swinging pace, and we soon reached Sinopoli new Sinopoli; the older settlement lies at a considerable distance.

"Unless you discover some one who will carry the bag not only to Sinopoli, but as far as Delianuova." I was not in the mood for repeating the experiences of the morning. "It is difficult. But we will try." He went in search, and returned anon with a slender lad of unusual comeliness an earthquake orphan. "This big one," he explained, "walks wherever you please and carries whatever you give him.

Finally, in desperation, I snatched up the wretched luggage and poured my griefs with unwonted eloquence into the ears of a man driving a bullock-cart down the road. So much was he moved, that he peremptorily ordered his son to conduct me then and there to Sinopoli, to carry the bag, and claim one franc by way of payment. The little man tumbled off the cart, rather reluctantly.

"No more of this!" he said, concentrating every ounce of his virility into a look of uncompromising defiance. "Then I shall not pay you a single farthing, my son. And, moreover, I will tell your father. You know what he commanded: to Sinopoli. This is only Sant' Eufemia. Unless " "You will tell my father? Unless ?"