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And I am not at all angry because you sing us the same old song about the English ploughs and arboriculture and silviculture. Not in the least. Men of such great, such very great merit, may be excused for the contempt which they manifest for our littleness.

Finally, under this head, the student ought to get a usable knowledge of the physiographic regions of the United States, their boundaries, geologic structure, topography, drainage, and soils, all this naturally with special reference to the relation between these basic facts and the forest. SILVICULTURE: Silviculture is the art of caring for forests, and therefore the backbone of forestry.

Here centres the preparation of forest working plans, and the knowledge of lumber and the lumber markets. The Branch of Silviculture has charge also of National coöperation for the advancement of forestry with the several States, and in particular for fire protection under the Weeks law.

"Get Loyle here to tell you all about it. I suppose you learned that at the Ranger School, didn't you?" he added, turning to the younger boy. "Yes, sir. We had a very interesting course in silviculture." "But just to give you a rough idea, Fred," continued the Forester, "you know that some trees need a lot of light.

Thus, the subjects of accounts, operation, silviculture, grazing, lands, and forest products are all represented in the District offices.

This is knowledge the Forester can not do without. Silvics is the foundation of his professional capacity, and as a student he can better afford to scamp any part of his training rather than this. A man may be a poor Forester who knows Silvics, but no man can be a good Forester who does not. The practice of Silviculture has to do with the treatment of woodlands.

The third branch, that of Silviculture, is the most important of all. It has oversight of the practice of forestry on all the National Forests, and of all scientific forest studies in the National Forests and outside.

Under the Branch of Silviculture, the Office of Forest Investigations brings together all that is known of the nature and growth of trees in this country, and to some extent in other countries also, conducts independent studies of the greatest value in developing better methods of securing the reproduction of important forest trees, and computes the enormous number of forest measurements dealing with the stand and the rate of growth of trees and forests that are turned in by the parties engaged in forest investigation in the field.