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For, truth to tell, I had made rather a fuss about that mine, talking about silver-lead in a very important way at school; and, as I recalled my words, I felt quite a shudder of horror as I thought of all the boys in my class coming and standing at the mouth of the mine, and bursting into a roar of laughter at this being the silver cavern in the earth.

The Burma undertaking has been, in its outcome at least, and, indeed, in many other respects, Hoover's greatest victory in mining engineering and organization. It is today the greatest silver-lead mine in the world, although it started from as near to nothing as a mine could be and yet be called a mine.

He had a big lot, much larger than he had thought, and it was just as it had been shot down from the breast. Some was silver-lead; and there was copper to boot, though that would hardly do to ship. Yet at thirty cents a pound copper was almost a precious metal, and a report from the smelter would be a check.

The last place I locked wheels with Mike Butters was in Idaho. I'd just sold a silver-lead prospect and was proclaimin' my prosperity with soundin' brass and ticklin' symbols. I was tuned up to G and singin' quartettes with the bartender opery buffet, so to speak when in Mike walked. It was a bright morning out-side and I didn't reco'nize him at first against the sunlight.

That was all that was to see except some troughs to carry off dirty water, and the rough framework and trap-doors over what seemed to be a well. "Why, Sep," said my father laughing, "how blank you look! Don't you admire the mine?" "Is is this a silver mine, father?" I faltered. "Yes, my lad, silver-lead. Doesn't look very attractive, does it?" I shook my head.

This shaft has now reached a perpendicular depth of a little over 3,100 feet. There is only one deeper vertical shaft in the world the Adalbent shaft of the silver-lead mines of Przibram, Bohemia, which at last accounts had reached a depth of 3,280 feet.

I also thought it advisable to make myself plates from which to eat my food not because of any fastidiousness on my part, but from that ever-present desire to impress the blacks, which was now my strongest instinct. In the course of my ramblings in the northern regions I came across quantities of silver-lead, which I smelted with the object of obtaining lead to beat out into plates.