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But in order to prove blindness to be but a 25 per cent handicap, we must train our blind children from their earliest infancy. We must not sidetrack them.

Greatly to my surprise, Mr. Rathbawne himself consulted me in the matter, without any suggestion on my part, and asked for my advice." "That's fortunate," put in McGrath, "very fortunate. You've been able to sidetrack a lot of trouble." Barclay's eyes hardened at the hypocrisy of the sneer.

No course is easier for the employer who does not seek to deal honestly with his men, and none more secure for that employer whose position is wholly indefensible on the subject of hours and wages, than to sidetrack all these issues by hypocritically declaring that he refuses to deal with men who are led by criminals.

This is the kind of thing everything has to go with or one wouldn't one couldn't " "Sure! Good idea. We'll just get everything to go with it." "It's the sort of thing one doesn't see worn much outside of Paris or New York. If one is now my mother wouldn't care for that coat at all." Virginia took no little pride in that tactful finish. "Can't sidetrack me!" he beamed. "I want it.

They settled down near the door, and ordered the porter to put up a table for them to play cards. "The train began to slow down, and finally came to a halt for a longer time on a sidetrack, waiting for another train to pass. I heard Richard ask where I was. Mrs. Chambray said laughingly that I was safely asleep. Then, before I realized it, they began to talk about me.

"Now I'll go after him.... For reasons of necessity we will discontinue all train service at the flag station at the mouth of Coldriver Valley. That'll leave his stage line dangling in the air. Just for a taste of what we can do.... I'll have Hammond look after that condemnation matter for you." "He'll be coming around to offer to sidetrack that legislation if you'll let him build his railroad."

He has written to the chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee to suspend judgment on his case, until he can explain how it happened that a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat hurrahed for Garfield. Last week a train load of insane persons were removed from the Oshkosh Asylum to the Madison Asylum. As the train was standing on the sidetrack at Watertown Junction it created considerable curiosity.

But circus er no circus, ye ain't a goin' to sidetrack me out'n them funeral arrangements. If ye can sing 'The Lament, yer engaged." "Why, who's dead, Jim?" asked Landy innocently. "Did ole Selim die, er is hit yer favorite hound dawg?" "None sich," replied the old man heatedly. "It's me my funeral en I'm aimin' to make a splendid time outen it.

Turn your appeal over to a committee of one railroad man, an army officer, a member of each labour union, and a coloured man to investigate whether any of your ancestors were ever related to a cousin of Mark Hanna, and then file the papers in the Smithsonian Institution until after the next election. That's the kind of a sidetrack the Stars and Stripes would switch you onto.

They both rather suspected that they would come up a little short, but to their very great gratification every carload panned out according to the bill. They were all of the long-horned species, and some of them were very large. The train was run on a sidetrack, and as fast as the cars were emptied they were moved further down the sidetrack until every car had been emptied.