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Why, this morning when the piece came out in the Gazette, tellin' the whole town that the feller's side-partner was that yellow cur-dog Stanhope, I says to the boys, first thing: 'Boys, we gotter watch Jim Hackley mighty careful to-day, says I. 'I'm afeard there'll be gun-play before sunset. 'Gun-play! says they. 'F'om Hackley! Hell, says they.

"My name is Casey and this is my side-partner, Mr. O'Rourke," said the shorter and fatter of the two as they seated themselves without waiting to be asked. Casey took off his hat; O'Rourke's hand hesitated at the brim, then drew his hat more firmly down upon his forehead. "Sorry to break in on your little party," Casey went on, "but the Cap'n sent us to ask the young lady a few questions."

"Who was the tall man?" he asked. "I thought he was Hallock I called him Hallock." The trainmaster shook his head. "They're about the same build; but we were all off wrong, Mr. Lidgerwood 'way off. It's been Gridley: Gridley and his side-partner, Flemister, all along.

"But, vicious as it was, neither Shanklin nor you, his side-partner, has ever made a squeal. If it was a holdup, why haven't you sent one of your little sheriffs out after me?" "I'm no partner of Hun Shanklin's!" denied Boyle. "Maybe you've parted company since the night you slugged me and nailed me up in that box for the river to hide your work."

"You tear up ten thousand dollars like an old rag because the way you've spread on five dollars' worth of paint hurts your conscience. Next time I pick a side-partner in a scheme the man has got to go before a notary and swear he never even heard the word 'ideal' mentioned." Keogh strode from the room, white-hot. White paid little attention to his resentment.

"Howdy boys!" said Kells, wanly. Gulden cursed in amaze while Pearce dropped to his knee with an exclamation of concern. Then both began to talk at once. Kells interrupted them by lifting a weak hand. "No, I'm not going to cash," he said. "I'm only starved and in need of stimulants. Had my back half shot off." "Who plugged you, Jack?" "Gulden, it was your side-partner, Bill." "Bill?"

We followed it to the letter, but, like every other palliative of pain, it soon lost its virtue, and the long afternoon was one of unspeakable agony. There were now not only aching backs and arms and legs, but feet parboiled to a blister on the burning floors. The air was rent with lamentations, and before long my side-partner and I had also shed our shoes.

If you give him aces, have the jokers handy for when you want 'em. Them's duplicates. Duplicates 's Sherman's great lay learned it from his old side-partner, Unconditional Surrender Grant just as strategy was old McClellan's. There's this difference: Sherman always stacks the deck to win himself, while McClellan used to shuffle the cards for the other feller to win."

"I often talked to my wife about leaving the road and starting in new, where we were not known, as man and wife, she to remain at home; but she wouldn't hear of it, asking if I wanted an Irishman for a side-partner. This came to be a joke with us 'When I get my Irishman I will do so-and-so.

"There's nothing too good for Marshall Haney and his side-partner," he exulted to the bell-boy. Thereupon, Mart, with a look of reverence at his young bride, replied: "She's airned it and more!" A sigh was in his voice and a singular appeal in his big eyes as he sank into an easy-chair. "I believe I do feel better down here; my heart seems to work aisier. I'm going to get well now, darlin'."