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Was not the whole neighborhood swarming with canine dependents? Despite his reasoning, this endowment that was once himself had been affrighted by the shock. The presence of the little cur-dog had destroyed the complacence of his boasted ratiocination.

Why, this morning when the piece came out in the Gazette, tellin' the whole town that the feller's side-partner was that yellow cur-dog Stanhope, I says to the boys, first thing: 'Boys, we gotter watch Jim Hackley mighty careful to-day, says I. 'I'm afeard there'll be gun-play before sunset. 'Gun-play! says they. 'F'om Hackley! Hell, says they.

"Well, for my part I account game, a red-skin, and a Frenchman as pretty much the same thing; though I'm as onquarrelsome a man, too, as there is in all the colonies. I despise a quarreller as I do a cur-dog; but one has no need to be over-scrupulsome when it's the right time to show the flint." "I look upon him as the most of a man who acts nearest the right, Hurry.

They cannot have more than four hours the start. You say the creek has a winding course?" "Crooked as a coon's hind leg." "And the Obion?" "Most part the same. It curls through the bottom like the tail o' a cur-dog; an' nigher the Massissippy, it don't move faster than a snail 'ud crawl. I reck'n the run o' the river 'll not help 'em much.

'Twill be to him like a bone to a cur-dog to take his ainemies thus red-haanded." "By your leave, sir," said Lovel, "those same enemies have escaped us. I saw them here five minutes since, but they have gone to earth. What say you to a hue-and-cry though this Savoy is a snug warrin to hide vermin." Oates seemed to be in no hurry.

While the Colorado men had little to say beyond the statement that they had been wantonly insulted if not actually assailed by a gang of strangers, the railway man was ablaze with excitement and wrath over the escape of the leader of the vanquished party. "I've seen that cur-dog face of his somewhere before," said he, "and the quicker you find him and nab him the better.

As he spoke, a boy, the only survivor, leaped from the stage, and rushed across the orchestra toward them, followed by a rough cur-dog. 'You shall have this youth, if he reaches us. Hypatia watched breathless. The boy had just arrived at the altar in the centre of the orchestra, when he saw a gladiator close upon him.

The two hounds above referred to, accompanied by a cur-dog, whose business it was to mind the farm, but who took as much delight in running away from prosy duty as if he had been a schoolboy, would frequently steal off and have a good hunt all by themselves, just for the fun of the thing, I suppose.

He found out the door with no small difficulty, and for some time knocked without producing any other answer than a duet between a female and a cur-dog, the latter yelping as if he would have barked his heart out, the other screaming in chorus.

Here comes Prince Rupert Stand fast, and you shall turn them aside, as a bull would toss a cur-dog. Lower your pikes still, my hearts, the end secured against your foot down on your right knee, front rank spare not for the spoiling of your blue aprons. Ha Zerobabel ay, that is the word!"