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"Now our rations hadn't been any too full lately and we were pretty nigh hungry all the time. "'Tom, he says, 'I uster be the best tree-climber in the county. I gotter get me some of those, "'Aw, Jim, I says, 'don't be a fool. The woods may be full of rebels. I'm full as hungry as you are, but I ain't going to stop for any persimmons. "'Just a handful, he says, 'and it won't take a minute.

"Guv'ment gotter 'demnify ef things er managed right; en dat what make me think er Marse Thomas De Willoughby when dat little Stamps feller said somep'n dat soun' like his name. 'Now dar's D'Willerby, he ses, 'big Tom D'Willerby, en I jest jumped on him. 'Did you say De Willoughby, sah? I ses, an' from dat I foun' out de rest."

Shamed ob dese hyer hosses! Frettin' cause yo's gotter 'scort a pair of animals what's got pedigrees dat reach back ter Noah's Ark eanemost! Why, dey blood kin make you-all's look lak mullen sap, an' dey manners, even if dey ain' nothin' but hosses, jist natchelly mak' yo' light clean outer sight. Sho'! Go long, chile! Yo' gotter live some.

He knows Ah could tell the sto'keeper the whereabouts o' a pipe in his still-house that don' run into no sto'house. Oh, no, he won' inform on us." "Ah hope not," said Bud, dismally. "Anyway, you-all better come on down now. Gimme that axe, will ye?" "We gotter be right careful not to make no path comin' here. We better never come twict the same way." Bud nodded his understanding.

"Yas'm, I guesses I better, an' I reckons I better git me a belt an' some shoes, 'case if I gotter be oneasy in ma min' dars no sort o' reason fer ma bein' uneasy in ma FOOTS too, ner dem chillern neither. Dey ain' never is had shoes all 'roun' ter onct, but I reckons dey better he fitted out right fer dey daddy's funeral. Dey can't tend it hut onct in all dey life-times no how.

She was not a little interested now. She came back into the room. "Ask him about marryin' you know. I gotter find out because Hardy's comin'." No speech could have been plainer and balder. "Did you?" Lucia was nonplussed at the old man's crude directness. "Yes I mean no. I don't remember." "Don't remember!" Uncle Henry yelled. "But that's what I left you here for! We had it all framed up!

She bends down and pats Pete on the head he's gotter great mop of curls and says, 'Well, my little man, she says, 'I hope you'll be a good scholar. 'Sure, says Pete, 'anything to oblige a lady. So she laughs and says, 'What did you say your full name was? And Pete shuffles around some, and then he says, 'Peter Cornelius Turnpike, he says.

The young woman grinned mirthlessly. "I should say not!" she snapped. "They pays me to look out for 'em their fathers and mothers in the factory. Watcha want?" "What do you pay for a house like this?" The hired mother's brow wrinkled, and her lips drew back in an ugly snarl. "They robs us, these landlords does. We gotter be 'longside the works, so they robs us. What do I pay for this?

"He's gotter great line of talk," said William to himself. "Now for Mrs. Moriarity," that lady being the next on his list. William knew her for a good-natured, careless woman, who nevertheless was the real head of the Moriarity household, which included nine children of varying ages and sizes. Nothing was ever done on time in her house; no bill was ever paid when it was due, though Mrs.

He had a wife en th'ee chilluns, old Brer Tarrypin did, en dey wuz all de ve'y spit en image er de ole man. Ennybody w'at know one fum de udder gotter take a spy-glass, en den dey er li'ble fer ter git fooled. "Dat's de way marters stan' twel de day er de race, en on dat day, ole Brer Tarrypin, en his ole 'oman, en his th'ee chilluns, dey got up 'fo' sun-up, en went ter de place.