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"Waal, I can say, I LIKE it," answered Gershom, first passing his thumb along the edge of the axe, in order to ascertain its state; then swinging the tool, with a view to try its "hang." "I can't say much for your axe, STRANGER, for this helve has no tarve to't, to my mind; but, sich as it is, down must come this elm, though ten millions of bees should set upon me for my pains."

"Ain't got much to offer you, Cap'n'," said the owner, "but sich as it is you're welcome." Meanwhile he had given the horse a dozen ears of corn, saying: "Reckon 't won't hurt him. He don't look 's if he'd been a feedin' any too hearty an' I reckon a dozen ears won't founder him."

Despairing of his coming, they were strolling two-and-two after Johnnie on the sidewalk. "It's you and me for it, Pap," he said hardily. "What was you tryin' to do? Was you gettin' the patent for Johnnie? Shall I call her up here and ask her?" "No, no," exclaimed the old man hastily. "They ain't no use of puttin' sich things in a fool gal's hands.

For all his gracefulness and lyricism, he makes a sturdy and constant use of dissonance; in his song "Herbstgefühl" the dissonance is fearlessly defiant of conventions. Sich, das letzte lose, Bleiche Blumenblatt. Goldenes entfärben, Schleicht sich durch den Hain, Auch vergeh'n und sterben, Däucht mir süss zu sein. ... failing, From the rose unbound, Falls, its life exhaling, Dead upon the ground.

Through chattering teeth he moaned: "He'll kill Boney, Pa!" "Let him alone!" was the sharp command. "I never see sich a dog in my life. He'll kill that coon by hisself, I tell ye!" Again his enemy broke Boney's grim hold on his throat, sprang back four feet and, to the dog's surprise, made no effort to reach the water.

I didn't s'pose thar wuz so nice a man, or sich a good-lookin' one, in the hull Yankee army, or in the oonfederit either, fur that matter. But, then, yo' ain't no real blue-bellied Yankee." "No, indeed, Sophrony. I never saw New England in all my life, nor did any o' my people. "Say, Mister, why don't you leave the Yankee army?" "Can't," said Shorty, despairingly.

The very first time Tommy told him of the wondrous spot, Shovel had drawn a great breath, and said, thoughtfully: "I allers knowed as there were sich a beauty place, but I didn't jest know its name." "How could yer know?" Tommy asked jealously. "I ain't sure," said Shovel, "p'raps I dreamed on it." "That's it," Tommy cried.

The chemical substances which go to form the bodies of plants and animals remained just such "Dinge an Sich" until organic chemistry undertook to show them one after the other, whereupon the thing in itself became a thing for us, as the coloring matter in the roots of madder, alizarin, which we no longer allow to grow in the roots of the madder in the field, but make much more cheaply and simply from coal tar.

I had heard rumors of her, and I had partaken of certain crispy dishes of German extraction, reported to have come from her deft hands, but I had not even caught a glimpse of her skirts whisking around a corner. Therefore: "Frau Knapf!" I repeated. "Nonsense! There ain't no sich person that is, I'm glad to see you. Won't you come in and sit down?"

I also figger," he added, wriggling his bare toes, "that a feller ought to pick one that could lend a dollar to your brother in case he needed one." "Hain't none sich to be found," said Sam. "I calc'late to look," Scattergood replied. He had already done his looking. The lady of his choice, tradition says, was older than he, but this is a base libel. She was not older.