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Those who came from remoter distances have gone back already; and the lady cottagers, lingering hardily on till October, must find the sight of the empty hotels and the windows of the neighboring houses, which no longer brighten after the chilly nightfall, rather depressing. Every one says that this is the loveliest time of year, and that it will be divine here all through October.

"Make it five, Sam. I feel smaller now." "No, that'll be Pete's rate. Come on and take the mud-scow back to Eph. Present my compliments to him after he has washed it." Some people have a way of pruning a friend's spirit in a manner that makes it bush out more hardily than ever. That is the way Sam does me, and I intend to worship him delightfully if I want to and he continues to deserve it.

I don't think it was very nice of you to shift the whole responsibility on me." "How did I do that? It seems to me that I kept the whole responsibility myself." "Yes, altogether too much. What became of him, then?" "We walked along a little farther, and then " "Then, what? Where is the man?" "He's down in the parlor," I answered hardily, in the voice of some one else.

He laughed hardily, meeting his rival eye to eye. "The boys did have notions, but I expect maybe they have got over them." "Nothing like being hopeful. Now I'd back my show against yours every day in the week." The girl handed his revolver back to Weaver, after first asking a question of the homesteader with her eyes. "Oh, I get my hardware back, do I?" Buck grinned.

Nor was D'Aulon here to speak for me, the enemy having taken him when they took the Maid. Thinking thus, I groaned, and Barthelemy, fearing that he had wearied me, said farewell, and went out. Every evening, after sunset, he would come in, and partly cheer me, by telling how hardily our people bore them, partly break my heart with fresh tidings of that devil, Brother Thomas.

As soon as the illusion of his life had been dispelled, he had marched away with as gallant a tread as anybody; and though Doggie had kept to himself his shrinkings and his terrors, she knew that what to the average hardily bred young man was a gay adventure, was to him an ordeal of considerable difficulty.

"Heritage nonsense!" said the other woman, hardily. "Every one tells me that your husband is the gentlest and finest of them all and his father was before him. I don't believe such things come down, anyway." "Well," smiled Sidney's wife, a little proudly, "I've never seen the Carolan temper in the nine years we've been married!" "Exactly. Besides, it's not a temper just strong will."

Like others of his class, he was partisan only in the sense of one fighting hardily for the side upon which he had happened to be drawn in the great world battle. If he had not long ago parted with his convictions, the heat and smoke of the battle had obscured them, and he chose his weapons now with little regard for anything beyond their possible efficacy.

A subtle change had come in her, and under the gallantly drooping feathers of her hat he caught her eye the human eye that so marvellously reflects the phases of the human soul: the eye which so short a time before hardily and brazenly had flashed forth its invitation, now actually shone with fellowship and sympathy.

Her skin was very brown, but, from its transparency, her complexion was uncommonly brilliant; her features were all good; her smile was sweet and attractive; and in her eyes, which were very dark, there was a life, a spirit, an eagerness, which could hardily be seen without delight.