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And Si pointed to the object of the Captain's lecture on natural history that was still creeping on his arm. Shorty slapped his thigh and burst into a loud laugh. "Was that what ye went to see the Cap'n 'bout?" he asked as soon as he could speak. "Why ya-as," replied Si, somewhat surprised at Shorty's unseemly levity.

The knife is no good against Destiny, nor the revolver either. And I have the permesso to carry one," he added, with a smile, as if he realized that he was being whimsical. "Well, then, we must just hope that Destiny will be very kind to us, be a friend to us, a true comrade. I shall hope that and so must you." "Si, Signora." He realized that the conversation was finished, and went quietly away.

Keep a stiff upper lip, both on yo', an' we'll try t' manage him. Don't weaken. Hit'll do no good. He'll be wuss'n ever then." Si and Shorty instinctively felt for the revolvers in their pockets. The newcomer tied his horse to a sapling and strode into the house.

But you know how it is, Si Ann, in the berry lot now if there are bushes hangin' full of big ones jest over the fence and somebody else is gittin' 'em all, you kinder want to jine in and git some on 'em yourself, though you may be a perfesser and singin' a Sam tune at the time, specially if the fence is broke down that separates you.

"I'm payin' for this," and Andy proffered a silver dollar. The other turned the piece round in his fingers as though hesitating to accept it. "Si. But has not the señor some little money?" "That's all right, amigo. Keep it." The herder shook his head, and held up two fingers. Andy smiled. "I get you! You don't aim to bank all your wealth in one lump. Lemme see?

"Purty hard to make a decent show with them things." "Wait a minute," said Shorty, "an' I'll show ye a little trick." Taking his poncho under His arm. Shorty went to the rear of the camp, where the mules were feeding, and presently returned with a bunch of hay. "What ye goin' to do with that?" asked Si. "You jest do 's I tell ye, and don't ask no questions.

Je suis d'ailleurs fort heureux d'avoir quelquefois, par votre intermediaire, des relations avec Lord Salisbury, pour le caractere et le talent duquel j'ai toujours eu une si haute estime, et que j'aime d'ailleurs toujours a considerer comme mon proche voisin de campagne.

While the 200th Ind. was getting ready to fall in, the sick-call sounded, and the Orderly-Sergeant remarked to Si: "Fall into this squad, Corporal Klegg." "What for?" asked Si, looking askance at the squad. "To go to the Surgeon's tent," answered the Orderly-Sergeant. "This is the sick squad." "That's what I thought," answered Si; "an' that's the reason I ain't goin' to join it."

"Well, I wonder what we're goin' to do for grub?" said Si, as his athletic appetite began to assert itself. "Our own wagons, that we had such a time guarding, are over there in the cedars, and the rebels are filling themselves up with the stuff that we were so good to bring up for them."

John xvi. 7: "Expedit vobis ut Ego vadam; si enim non abiero, Paracletus non veniet ad vos." Ch. xxviii. section 4. St. Matt. iii. 17: "Hic est Filius Meus dilectus, in quo Mihi complacui." St. John x. 7, 9: "Ego sum ostium." See St. John of the Cross, Mount Carmel, bk. iii. ch. i. p. 212. Ch. xii. sections 5, 7. Ch. xv. section 21. Ch. xx. section 2. St.