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No need of pushin' on the reins, but I reckon the old man isn't payin' us fifty dollars a month to hold down the Roubideau porch," said Prince regretfully. "No, we gotta light a shuck," admitted Jim, with no noticeable alacrity. He was in no hurry to leave himself, even if he did not happen to be in love. Billie put his fortune to the touch while he was out with Polly rounding up some calves.

"I wisht ye could hev hearn them men cheer. They jes' hollered tharse'fs hoarse. They shuck hands till they mighty nigh yanked my arm out'n its socket." With the recollection, he rubbed his right arm with a gesture of pain. Something there was in the account of this ovation that smote upon the younger brother's sense of values, and he hastened to take possession of it.

'Sides, they're strong 'nough by now ter laugh et any sojers thar'bouts, an' ther ol' Minor place u'd make mighty gud pickin'. Thar hain't neither army ever bin up thar durin' ther war." "How long would it take us to reach there?" "'Bout two days, I reckon, pervidin' ye shuck ther Dutchman." I turned and looked at my men in some perplexity.

How mildly beam the closing eyes! How gently heaves th' expiring breast!" The funeral of Mrs. Shuck was attended from her late home, and she was borne to the grave by the European police corps, who volunteered their services for the occasion. There have been cases in which missionary women have died and had only one to follow them to the grave.

He had worried over the man's face since the first time he had seen it. He heaved a deep breath now, and looked perplexedly into the flames. "It's like a word that gits onto the end of your tongue when your brain-box ain't got sense enough to shuck it out," he remarked, lowly. "But I'll git it, some time if I don't go loco frettin' about it."

En w'en de Lion shuck his mane, en tuck his seat in de big cheer, den de sesshun begun fer ter commence. "What did they do, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.

Well, the duke allowed he would take my bed; but the king allowed he wouldn't. He says: "I should a reckoned the difference in rank would a sejested to you that a corn-shuck bed warn't just fitten for me to sleep on. Your Grace 'll take the shuck bed yourself."

"All you're good for, I reckon, is to shuck corn or peel potatoes!" For a minute Abel stared at her in silence. "I declare, mother, I don't believe you're any better than a heathen," he remarked sadly at last.

Whether it was that the fact that Pete Jones had got consid'able shuck up demoralized his followers, or whether it was that the old man's flight was suspected, the mob did not turn out in very great force, and the tarring was postponed indefinitely, for by the time they came together it became known somehow that the man with a wooden leg had outrun them all.

Theory is combined with practise, and many a fanciful thought is woven in with the reed and raffia of the Indian baskets, African purses, belts, and pine-needle work-baskets. The shuck hats and foot-mats are so foreign in design that one often wonders how it were possible to utilize the same material in so widely different purposes.