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More than I can ever hope to repay." "What " began Jean. Then she suddenly stopped and bent forward in a listening attitude. The electric bell on the front door had just shrilled forth the announcement of a visitor. A moment and the maid had entered the room with, "A lady to see you, Miss Harlowe. I didn't catch her name. It sounded like Brant." Jean Brent grew very white.

His wife's voice shrilled again up the staircase: "It's going on nine o'clock and the boys are nowheres near ready; I haven't dressed the twins yet, and the boys are trying to shampoo each other they've got your bottle of bay rum, and not a single shoe have they greased.

Sounds of some one descending the stairs at break-neck speed were heard, and the chorus shrilled, "Papa, take care! Papa, take care! Papa, take care!" Mr. Fargus's grey little figure came terrifically down the last flight and up the hall, a cloud of female Farguses in his wake. He ran to Sabre with hands outstretched and grasped Sabre's hands and wrung them. "Sabre! Sabre! What's this? Really?

Gratton stumbled and sagged, staggering like a drunken man. Brodie, with his rifle-barrel not six feet from Gratton's terror-stricken body, laughed again. "Stop!" Gloria shrilled. She broke away from Jarrold's grasp and ran toward Brodie. "You don't know what you are doing. You " "Close your trap, kid," Brodie thundered at her. "Unless you want the second bullet."

He leaped at the door, swung it open, flung himself inside and then sacrificing speed to silence, went up the stairs like a cat, cramming his mask now into his pocket. His room was on the first landing. In an instant he had unlocked the door, entered, and locked it again behind him. From outside, an excited street urchin's voice shrilled up to him: "He went in that door! I seen him!"

In the car ahead a little girl leaned out of the window, her curls whipping across her face. Jubilantly she waved her hand at him, shrilled a sweet, "Hello-oh. Where you goin'? I'm goin' to my grandma's house!" The rigor left Lance's jaw.

Rah!" yelled the scouts, jumping to their feet. "Rah! Rah! Rah! Lieutenant Denmead!" "Kree-kree-eee!" shrilled the Hawks. "How-ooo-ooo! Yap-yap-yap! Skee-eee-eee!" barked and squealed the others. As the Scout Master raised his hand, silence fell upon the company again. "The plan for the two weeks of study is only preliminary," the lieutenant continued.

"Presume," said the financier abruptly, "you expect to supply both tracts with water from those springs?" "My, no. This quarter section belongs to my wife, and it's up to me to make the water connections safe for her. I can do it." Banks set his lips grimly, and his voice shrilled a higher key. "Yes, sir, even if I have to tunnel through from the Wenatchee.

"'Tis young Mister Ladbruk," she shrilled back; "they've just a-carried his body in. Run out of the way of a tree that was coming down an' ran hisself on to an iron post. Dead when they picked un up. Aye, I knew 'twere coming." And she turned to fling a handful of barley at a belated group of guinea- fowl that came racing toward her.

"They talk about their laws," he shrilled. "I am a lawyer, and I tell you it breaks my heart every time I go back to worm-eaten precedent. But I have to do it, because, if I didn't talk that language the judges wouldn't understand me. Do you know what precedent is? It is the opinion of some man a hundred years ago on a case tried a hundred years ago. Do we want that kind of an opinion? No.