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If her parents are poor, if she is compelled to "work out" as stenographer, typewriter, shop-lady, or whatnot, and if she keeps her virtue, she is a phenomenon. The vaudeville stage is recruited from her ranks. The bawdy houses are recruited from her ranks. The fetid river's yearly burden of corpses is recruited from her ranks. What is to become of it? What is the natural fruit of such a tree?

Of course the shop also sold Sunlight Soap, and it was with Sunlight Soap that the shop-lady was washing her hair, because it was Sunday, and this was a comparatively cheap amusement. She had no money. She had meant to go down to the offices of her employer after breakfast, to borrow some of the salary that would be due to her next week.

The shop-lady could not afford to go to the City by Tube, not to mention the ferry fare, which was rather expensive and erratic, not being L.C.C. Of course a flash of lightning is generally available for magic people. But it is considered not only unpatriotic but bad form to use lightning in war-time.

'Oh, surely not, madam, said the shocked voice of the shop-lady, 'surely a nobler memory' and I found it was a figure of Christ." "Jean simply rushed out of the shop," said Jock, "and she hadn't paid, and I had to go in again with the money." "See what I've got," Mhor said, producing a parcel from his pocket. He unwrapped it, revealing a small bust of Shakespeare.

That's only my sister!" The shop-lady looked vexed, and Radmore felt awkward. He realised that he and Betty had been taken for husband and wife, Timmy for their spoilt little boy. "I'm quite sure I could find something that would suit Janet," exclaimed Betty, hastily taking off the delightful bit of headgear.

He flourished the onion within an inch of Hetty's nose. The shop-lady did not retreat a hair's-breadth. "Then why do you eat onions," she said, with biting contempt, "and nothing else?" "I never said I did," retorted the young man, heatedly. "I said I had nothing else to eat where I live. I am not a delicatessen store-keeper."

These are but the advance guard of scores. Still I shall always like these ones best because they are kind to me now while I'm only a 'shop-lady," "You mustn't flirt, Belle." "I'm not flirting only having a good time, and they know it. I'm not a bit sentimental only jolly, you know. When the right time comes, and I've had my fun, I'm going to take my pick of the best." "Well, that's sensible.

There was something Joan of Arc-ish, Herculean, and Una-ish in the look and pose of the shop-lady she had cast off the rôles of Job and Little-Red-Riding-Hood. The young man stopped at the foot of the stairs and coughed distractedly. He felt marooned, held up, attacked, assailed, levied upon, sacked, assessed, panhandled, browbeaten, though he knew not why.