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He knew instantly that the Norwegian's delicate fancy and lyrical feeling had found in her no inadequate medium of expression. The peculiar emotional quality of the song "I Love Thee" seemed to fill the room as she played. When she swung round on the stool at its conclusion it was to meet a shining-eyed, musical enthusiast instead of the villain she had left five minutes earlier.

Anna first made her draw close to her own mother; Anna was at once her spur and her reward during the first hard years at Shotwell Street. Anna had gone upstairs, and Regina was finishing her breakfast when Chester came downstairs, followed by the still sleepy yet shining-eyed Geraldine.

A tall, sallow, dark-haired, shining-eyed youth, white clad from top to toe, clambered up towards the platform shouting loyally, and sprang down again and receded, looking backward. Heads, shoulders, hands clutching weapons, all were swinging with those marching cadences. Faces came out of the confusion to him as he stood there, eyes met his and passed and vanished.

There! an' now I've read 'em both to you an' how much do you s'pose I can get for 'em the two of 'em, either singly or doubly?" Susan was still breathless, still shining-eyed a strange, exotic Susan, that Daniel Burton had never seen before. "I've heard that writers some writers get lots of money, Mr. Burton, an' I can write more lots more.

After it was all over and she stood, shining-eyed and happy, among her own people in the chapel, Martin Landis joined them. He, too, had left childhood behind. The serious gravity of his new estate was deepened in his face, but the same tenderness that had soothed the numerous Landis babies also still dwelt there.

But it was a happy and beautiful bride who came down the old, homespun-carpeted stairs that September noon the first bride of Green Gables, slender and shining-eyed, in the mist of her maiden veil, with her arms full of roses. Gilbert, waiting for her in the hall below, looked up at her with adoring eyes. She was his at last, this evasive, long-sought Anne, won after years of patient waiting.

He was too shining-eyed, too much all that was young and innocent and brave to win through.... Archie and Jock were men, capable, well equipped to fight the world, but Sandy was our baby he was only twenty.... Of all the things the dead possessed it is the thought of their gentleness that breaks the heart.

Jane herself could not have told exactly how it was done, but she knew that two minutes later young Gray and Mellicent were at the piano, he, shining-eyed and happy, drawing a tentative bow across the strings: she, no less shining-eyed and happy, giving him "A" on the piano. Mr. Smith enjoyed the music very much so much that he begged for another selection and yet another. Mr.

"You're durn tootin' it's right!" he testified. Weary looked shining-eyed at Applehead's purple face. "Sure, that's right!" he emphasized. "And I don't care how much of a trap you call this, it isn't a patching to the one Applehead busted us out of. He's what I call a Real One, boys." "Aw, shet yore dang head 'n' git yore rifles workin'!" Applehead blurted.

A tall, sallow, dark-haired, shining-eyed youth, white clad from top to toe, clambered up towards the platform shouting loyally, and sprang down again and receded, looking backward. Heads, shoulders, hands clutching weapons, all were swinging with those marching cadences. Faces came out of the confusion to him as he stood there, eyes met his and passed and vanished.