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During the outbreak on May 11 at Delhi her children had been slain before her eyes and she herself badly wounded, escaping, however, from the murderers in a most providential manner, and finding shelter in the house of a friendly native, who had succoured her ever since.

Our friends became very anxious, for, without shelter or any remedies against disease, should we become really ill the matter would be very serious. Kallolo, seeing the condition we were in, immediately set to work and cut a quantity of palm branches, with which, aided by Tim, he formed a sort of arbour to shelter us from the sun.

The lieutenant and surgeon made themselves a kind of shelter with four tarpaulins that were fortunately provided to cover the medicine chest and surgical instruments, but the place was so small that it scarcely held them both.

"An thou canst not control thy cowardly fears," he said harshly, "I'll leave thee to perish at their hands." And holding the wretched man tightly by the wrist, he quickly sought shelter behind a pile of building material which lay some distance away.

We're going to do one thing or the other within one minute!" "Oh, come on," muttered the captive. He led the way through the timber to its western edge, then turned north in the shelter of the trees traversing a long, high, rocky ridge. "Our horses won't leave any tracks here," he called back. "Or maybe you don't care whether we leave any tracks or not," he added sarcastically.

With him came the King and Queen of Saxony, who during the last days had resignedly moved along in the tail of this comet, which had blasted their once smiling realm. Outside the city they parted, the royal pair seeking shelter under its roofs, while the Emperor pressed on to Murat's headquarters near Wachau. There, too the news was doubtful.

I gathered up my skirts to run toward other shelter, but she was before me, saying in her strange experimental voice that word of hers: "Come." She ran in advance, and I, with the outer robe over my head, followed, urging flinching way against the whipped rain-wash.

He took the tent, but after he had admired its smallness, his amazement was so great that he could not recover himself when he had set it up in the great plain before-mentioned, and found it large enough to shelter an army twice as large as he could bring into the field.

Perhaps the wounded had been already collected, perhaps they had crawled to shelter. Or perhaps he was the only one against whom the Door had been closed. He had been left for dead. He had nothing to live for. Yet it seemed that he could not die. He looked at the man at his side lying wrapt in the aloofness of Death. Poor devil! How horrible he looked, and how indifferent!

But as sense and feeling returned to her in a burning flood of pain they brought also a courage as of despair a courage and a determination to cling with all her strength to what had been hers when such a little time ago. Was her love of no avail? It was at least a shelter and a refuge for him in his loneliness and grief.