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The eleuenth of September about sixe a clocke at night the winde came good Southwest, we vered sheat and set our course Southeast. And vpon Thursday, the twelfth of September, taking the height, we were in the latitude of and a halfe, and reckoned our selues not past one hundred and fifty leagues short of Sylley, the weather faire, the winde large at Westsouthwest, we kept our course Southeast.

"To the devil, for aught I care, you foolish old Frenchman!" said the auctioneer, waxing warm. "But, sare, I vill not go to de devil to oblige you!" replied the Frenchman, waxing warmer. "You sheat me out of all de dollar vot I make in Shatham Street; but I vill not go to de devil for all dat.

"Knock you down with that, as you've had such a rough time of it. I was in hopes that you were all three drowned." "And he went himself to see and find ze bodies, and sheat ze sharks!" cried the French skipper laughing, and clapping us on the shoulders. "Perhaps Captain Duncan, my landlord, would like to use that bar on his boy!" growled old Jonas sourly.

"Perfectly, perfectly! Now I want the bracelet! How much did you receive on it?" The old Jew's face changed at once. "And I won't get my reward?" he faltered. "You will sheat a poor man's out of his earnings." "Who talks of cheating you," said Mr. Hollywell. "I am ready to pay you," pursued Mr. Mellen; "I would rather give double the price of the bracelet than not get it." Mr.

Master Iohn Hawkins, with the Iesus of Lubeck a ship of 700. tonnes, and the Salomon, a ship of 7 score, the Tiger a barke of 50, and the Swalow 30 tonnes, being all well furnished with men to the number of one hundred threescore and ten, as also with ordinance and victuall requisite for such a voiage, departed out of Plimmouth the 18 day of October in the yeere of our Lord 1564. with a prosperous winde: at which departing, in cutting the foresaile, a marueilous misfortune happened to one of the officers in the ship, who by the pullie of the sheat was slaine out of hand, being a sorowfull beginning to them all.

"I tell you I have only a dollar and a quarter." The woman turned to her work. "I don't believe you," she said. "Dot is all to try to sheat me. Vot is de reason a big man like you has got only a dollar und a quarter?" "I've just been in jail," Jurgis cried he was ready to get down upon his knees to the woman "and I had no money before, and my family has almost starved."

"If we might sheat anypodies, we shouldn't sheat so goot a laty." I do not know whether my voice struck Patt's ear pleasantly, or a wish to see the project of her grandmother carried out at once, induced my sister to interfere; but interfere she did, and that by urging her aged parent to put confidence in us. Years had taught my grandmother caution, and she hesitated.

Will you come down from that price any?" "If you wilt gif me some atfice, perhaps I may. You look like a goot shentlemans, and one dat woultn't sheat a poor Charmans; ant effery poty wants so much to sheat de poor Charmans, dat I will take six, if you will drow in some atfice." "Advice? You have come to the right man for that! Walk a little this way, where we shall be alone.