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Oan: Truly I did eat of the liver of the she-deer; but to sing thereof is another matter. Uk: It was no labour for thee to sing of the stars. See now our clubs and casting-stones, with which we slay flesh to eat; also the caves in which we dwell, and the Stone whereon we make sacrifice; wilt thou sing no song of those? Oan: It may be that I shall sing thee songs of them.

Then did Achilles begin to reproach Agamemnon Atreides, Hotly with venomous words, for as yet unappeased was his anger: "Bloated with wine! having eyes like a dog, but the heart of a she-deer! Never with harness on back to be first when the people were arming, Never in dark ambuscado to lie with the few and the fearless, Courage exalted thy soul; this seems to thee courtship of death-doom.

Thus, if thou singest of my club, or of the bear that I slew, of the stain on the Stone, or the cave and the warm leaves in the cave, it might be well. Oan: I will make thee a song of Ala! Thou shalt make me a song of the deer-liver that thou hast eaten! Did I not give to thee of the liver of the she-deer, because thou didst bring me crawfish?

The Kuru army, O thou of the race of Kuru, encountering the proud Pandavas endued with great strength, skilled in smiting, and possessed of sureness of aim, became weakened and agitated like a herd of she-deer frightened at a forest conflagration. "'Beholding that army weakened and helpless like a cow sunk in mire, Shalya, desirous of rescuing it, proceeded against the Pandava army.