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Slop, the curtins my brother Shandy mentions here, have nothing to do with beadsteads; tho', I know Du Cange says, 'That bed-curtains, in all probability, have taken their name from them; nor have the horn-works he speaks of, any thing in the world to do with the horn-works of cuckoldom: But the Curtin, Sir, is the word we use in fortification, for that part of the wall or rampart which lies between the two bastions and joins them Besiegers seldom offer to carry on their attacks directly against the curtin, for this reason, because they are so well flanked.

These occupied two full months, and on the 27th of February the last work, as it was destined to be, of the Rev. Mr. Yorick was issued to the world. Its success would seem to have been immediate, and was certainly great and lasting. In one sense, indeed, it was far greater than had been, or than has since been, attained by Tristram Shandy.

"I shall publish," he says, "late in this year; and the next I shall begin a new work of four volumes, which, when finished, I shall continue Tristram with fresh spirit." His ninth volume of Tristram Shandy was finished by the end of the year, and at Christmas he came up to London, after his usual practice, to see to its publication and enjoy the honours of its reception.

We must view it in every direction, "survey it," as Sterne says, "transversely, then foreright, then this way, and then that, in all its possible directions and foreshortenings ;" and thus only can it be expected that we should adequately comprehend it. Tristram Shandy, Vol. IV, Chap. ii.

As he rushed, bull-like, toward Norman of Torn, the latter made no move to draw; he but stood with folded arms, eyeing Shandy with cold, level gaze; his head held high, haughty face marked by an arrogant sneer of contempt.

Just the ferret-like eyes and a knife-thin nose showed past the woodwork, but there could be no mistaking the animal. It was Shandy. "I've got you again," he muttered. "Blast the whole tribe of you! I'll just pip you on that dirty work, blowed if I don't." The Brooklyn had been run and won; won by Langdon's stable, and lost by John Porter's.

"Roight you are; that's what it is. Now who chaws tobaccie in this stable?" he demanded of Carter, with the air of a cross-examining counsel. "I don't." "Does Finn?" "No; I don't think so." "Didn't Shandy always have a gob of it in his cheek the dirty pig?" "Yes, he did, Mike." "I t'ought so; I t'ought it was that blackguard. But how did the swine get in here?

It may be remarked in passing that a translation bristling with such errors, blunders which at times degrade the text into utter nonsense, could hardly be an efficient one in spreading appreciation of Shandy.

[Footnote 30: The seventh and eighth volumes of Shandy, English edition, are reviewed in the first number of a short-lived Frankfurt periodical, Neue Auszüge aus den besten ausländischen Wochen und Monatsschriften, 1765. Unterhaltungen, a

We may stop at Montreuil, which now looks well, not only "on the map," but from the railway carriage, reviving our recollections of Tristram Shandy. At Douai we find eighty English boys playing cricket and football under the eye of English Benedictine monks their college being a survival of the persecutions of Good Queen Bess.