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I am not going to take the trouble to argue as to whether, in the circumstances of the case, "Shake-scene" is meant by Greene for a pun on "Shake-speare," or not. If he had some other rising player- author, the Factotum of a cry of players, in his mind, Baconians may search for that personage in the records of the stage. That other player-author may have died young, or faded into obscurity.

He was fond of all the great poets, and he read Shake-speare and Mil-ton and many other poets as soon as he was old enough to un-der-stand them. Haw-thorne grew up a very hand-some young fellow. One day he was walking in the woods. He met an old gypsy woman. She had never seen anybody so fine-looking. "Are you a man, or an angel?" she asked him.

Will Shake-speare." He accosts Shakespeare as "Good Will." He remarks that, "as some say," if Will "had not played some Kingly parts in sport," he had been "a companion for a KING," and "been a King among the meaner sort." Nobody, now, can see the allusion and the joke. Shakespeare's company, in 1604, acted a play on the Gowrie Conspiracy of 1600.

In March 1594 the actor's name is spelled "Shakespeare" in Treasury accounts. I now give the essence of Mr. "And now a word upon the name 'Shakespeare. That in this form, and more especially with a hyphen, Shake-speare, the word makes an excellent nom de plume is obvious. "In each of which he seems to shake a lance, As brandished at the eyes of ignorance." On the whole of this, cf.

At Stratford and in Warwickshire the clan- name was spelled in scores of ways, was spelled in different ways within a single document. In London the printers aimed at a kind of uniformity, "Shakespeare" or "Shake-speare": and even if he wrote his own name otherwise, to him it was indifferent. Lawyers and printers might choose their own mode of spelling and there is no more in the matter.