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They compass the whole sweep of Celestial Geometry, and stamp their seer as unapproachably the greatest of astronomers, as well as one of the chief benefactors of mankind. The announcement of Kepler's first two laws was made in his New Astronomy, "Astronomia Nova, seu Physica Caelestis, tradita Commentariis de Motibus Stellae Martis: Ex Observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe." Folio. Prague: 1609.

Even Palmer admits, that "Catholic fathers in the 4th century invoked the saints" p. 292, though he gravely assures his readers, that "they were too well instructed in the Christian faith to believe positively that the saints heard our prayers". He mentions the learned work of Serrarius called "Litaneutici seu de Litaniis etc." as an instance of the writings, in which "innumerable passages have been cited from ancient writers to prove, that the invocation of saints is more ancient than the eighth century.

Si ergo aliqualiter inueniri possit differentia in proximo, quanto maior sit distantia, tanto maior differentia aestimandi est in remoto, vel in remotiori, seu remotissimo loco.

This we learn from a 'quitaçã' or discharge granted in that year to 'Mestre Vlimer framengo, ora estante nesta cidada, e seu Parceiro João Dipri, that is, to 'Master Vlimer a Fleming, now in this city, and to his partner John of Ypres.

Des Cartes, in his second 'Meditation, says Imaginari nihil aliud est quam rei corporeos figuram seu imaginem contemplari which sentence indicates that he agreed with D'Alembert as to the exclusive limitation of imagination to things material and sensible.

So, the ceremony finished, the assembly separates, and the tribe reckons a miles a warrior the more. That is all!" The solemn handing of arms to the young German such is the first germ of chivalry which Christianity was one day to animate into life. "Vestigium vetus creandi equites seu milites."

Frederick is said to have interrupted the Legates in a rage before they could finish their address, and to have replied with angry contempt. The speech put into his mouth is probably a rhetorical composition, but it may have expressed his sentiments. 'Multa de Romanorum sapientia seu fortitudine hactenus audivimus, magis tamen de sapientia.

The last time the words occur is after the direction that the line shall pass up the St. Croix and to the most remote western spring or fountain of that stream, "unde per imaginariam lineam directam quae pergere per terram seu currere versus septentrionem concipietur." Here alone can any doubt exist as to the meaning of the terms, and that is easily solved.

Regiones atque gentes in quas divisa fuit quondam, sunt, Agyptus, Cyrenaica, Africa Minor, seu proprie dicta, Troglodyta, Garamantes, Numidia, Mauritania, Gaetulia, Libya interior, Arabia Troglodytica et Athiopia. Agyptus. Prima Africa Asiaque proxima est Agyptus, quam veteres Geographi in Asia regionibus computarunt.

"Mendacium est petulanter, aut cupiditate nocendi, aliud loqui, seu gestu significare, et aliud sentire." Mentiris ut medicus. June 4, 1864 While I was engaged with these concluding pages, I received another of those special encouragements, which from several quarters have been bestowed upon me, since my controversy began.