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They compass the whole sweep of Celestial Geometry, and stamp their seer as unapproachably the greatest of astronomers, as well as one of the chief benefactors of mankind. The announcement of Kepler's first two laws was made in his New Astronomy, "Astronomia Nova, seu Physica Caelestis, tradita Commentariis de Motibus Stellae Martis: Ex Observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe." Folio. Prague: 1609.

They bow their bristling crests. They are falling, falling on us, and the earth is riven. I wake in terror, shouting: INSOLITIS TREMUERUNT MOTIBUS ALPES! An earthquake, slight but real, has stirred the ever-wakeful Vesta of the brain to this Virgilian quotation. I sleep, and change my dreaming. Once more at night I sledge alone upon the Klosters road.

His first law states that the planets describe ellipses with the sun at a focus of each ellipse. These two laws were published in his great work, Astronomia Nova, sen. Physica Coelestis tradita commentariis de Motibus Stelloe; Martis, Prague, 1609.

Qui ore vultu, imitandis motibus, voce, denique corpore ridetur ipso." Lib II., Sect. 51. From the size of the ancient theatres it was not possible to notice the visage of the actors, and this was one, but not the only reason, why masks were adopted.

The principle of political vitality, when kept alive only by means like these, merits the description once given of eloquence: "Sicut flamma, materia alitur, & motibus excitatur, & urendo clarescit." But like eloquence, when no longer called into action by external causes, or fomented by civil broils, it gradually languishes.

And you maun understand, that Davy Ramsay is no mechanic, but follows a liberal art, which approacheth almost to the act of creating a living being, seeing it may be said of a watch, as Claudius saith of the sphere of Archimedes, the Syracusan "Inclusus variis famulatur spiritus astris, Et vivum certis motibus urget opus."