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Birnie!" cried Gawtrey, unheeding Morton's question. "Let us halt and breakfast: I am tired." "You forget! we have no money till we make it," returned Birnie, coldly. "Come to the serrurier's he will trust us." "Gaunt Beggary and Scorn with many bell-hounds more." THOMSON'S Castle of Indolence. "The other was a fell, despiteful fiend." Ibid.

They arrived, at length, at a serrurier's shop, placed in an alley near the Porte St. Denis. The serrurier himself, a tall, begrimed, blackbearded man, was taking the shutters from his shop as they approached.

Serrurier's is mentioned in a Report made to the House by Monroe, Secretary of State, ibid., p. 609. Barlow to Russell, May 10, 1812. U.S. State Department MSS. Russell to Monroe, May 9, 1812. Ibid. The passages cited above are from Russell's correspondence with the State Department, under the dates of January 10, February 3 and 19, March 4 and 20, 1812. U.S. State Department MSS.

Birnie!" cried Gawtrey, unheeding Morton's question. "Let us halt and breakfast: I am tired." "You forget! we have no money till we make it," returned Birnie, coldly. "Come to the serrurier's he will trust us." "Gaunt Beggary and Scorn with many bell-hounds more." THOMSON'S Castle of Indolence. "The other was a fell, despiteful fiend." Ibid.

They arrived, at length, at a serrurier's shop, placed in an alley near the Porte St. Denis. The serrurier himself, a tall, begrimed, blackbearded man, was taking the shutters from his shop as they approached.

Having marched all night and all next day, Napoleon reached the vicinity of Mantua late on the 15th. He found the enemy strongly posted, and Serrurier's situation highly critical. A regiment of Provera's hussars had but a few hours before nearly established themselves in the suburb of St. George.