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I sepad it had been bocht cheap second-hand, for the chair I had was terrible scratched like, an', what's mair, the airm-chair was a heap shinnier than the rest." "Ay, ay, I wager it had been new stuffed. Tibbie said the carpet cowed for grandeur?" "Oh, I dinna deny it's a guid carpet; but if it's been turned once it's been turned half a dozen times, so it's far frae new.

"There hadna been a fire i' the parlour?" "No, but it was ready to licht. There was sticks and paper in't. The paper was oot o' a dressmaker's journal." "Ye say so? She'll mak her ain frocks, I sepad." When Hendry entered to take off his collar and coat before sitting down to his evening meal of hot water, porter, and bread mixed in a bowl, Jess sent me off to the attic.

It was Bowlegs Chirsty's laddie. Ay, but when she got better Jamie blamed Leeby." "He no only blamed me," said Leeby, "but he wanted me to pay him back a' the bawbees he had spent on me." "Ay, an' I sepad he got them too," said Jess.

"Bring oot the book," she said to Leeby; "it was put awa i' the bottom drawer ben i' the room sax year syne, an' I sepad it's there yet." Leeby came but with a faded little book, the title already rubbed from its shabby brown covers. I opened it, and then all at once I saw before me again the man who wrote and printed it and died.