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Only last night one arose, right in the front rank the fauteuils d'orchestre, I do not know how you call them in English. 'Let me out of zis, he scream, 'me for the war! Me for the trenches! Was it not magnifique what you call splendide, hein? "And then ze gouvermen' come and tell me I must pay zem ten thousan' dollars, when I make only seexty thousan' dollars at ze opera!

Chenault, being a half-breed, was more inclined toward garrulity than his Indian spouse. "How you come?" he asked with evident interest. Jeanne answered him, speaking rapidly, and at the end of a half-hour the man was in full possession of the details of their plight. He slowly shook his head. "Moncrossen camp ver' far feefty seexty mile," he said. "You no mak'." Bill looked up suddenly.

But he succeeded in catching her and taking a forfeit from one of her sun-bleached braids, after which he went to the wagon and sat down on the tongue to rest. The game went on. It was the Swede boy's turn at the goal, and he put his hands over his face and began to count as the children scattered. "Tane, twanety, thirty, forty, feefty," he chanted, "seexty, saventy, eighty."

Cap' Girardeau, oh, perhaps two t'ree day. Me, I walk heem once, maybe so feefty mile, maybe so seexty mile, in wan day, two-t'ree a little more tam, me. I was more younger then. But now my son he'll live on St. Genevieve, French place there, perhaps thirtee mile. Cap' Girardeau, seventy-five mile. You'll want for go there?" he added cunningly. "Sometime," she remarked calmly.

Edwards discharged you from his employ last spring?" "Nossing! Nossing! Ah'll be work for heem more good as never was." "If he treated you as unjustly as that," said Paige, with sympathy, "you cannot have a very high opinion of Mr. Edwards." "Ah'll tol' you he was bad mans. He'll discharge me more as seexty mile off. Ah'll have for walk, me.