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You, the best scholar in all India!" "And which amounted to exactly nothing. By the admirable seestem purshood at your public schools, just about as much knowledge as he could get by three months' application at home. Mind ye, I don't say he would apply; it is most probable he would do no such thing.

"Dear me, it is really very terrible," says Meekin, who was not ill-meaning, but only self-complacent "very terrible indeed." "But unhappily true," said Mr. Pounce. "An olive? Thanks." "Upon me soul!" burst out honest McNab, "the hail seestem seems to be maist ill-calculated tae advance the wark o' reeformation." "Mr.

You, the best scholar in all India!" "And which amounted to exactly nothing. He has acquired in five years, and by the admirable seestem purshood at your public schools, just about as much knowledge of the ancient languages as he could get by three months' application at home. Mind ye, I don't say he would apply; it is most probable he would do no such thing.

Edith spent the next hour in looking around the garden and greenhouses and watching the old man put out his plants. "These plants are to be cooltivated after the hill seestem," he said. "They are to stand one foot apart in the row, and the rows two feet apart, and not a rooner or weed to grow on or near them, and it would do your bright eyes good to see the great red berries they'll bear."

You can't judge of his system from one sermon, in this way." "Seestem! and what's that like?" "Why, he has a plan for uniting all sects and parties, on the one broad fundamental ground of the unity of God as revealed by science " "Verra like uniting o' men by just pu'ing aff their claes, and telling 'em, 'There, ye're a' brithers noo, on the one broad fundamental principle o' want o' breeks."