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Your father was, as I have heard, a strong and a fierce man when the blood of youth ran in his veins; but you, I should judge, are in no way behind him. Know, then, that the bearer of papers of import, documenta preciosa sed periculosa, is bound to leave nought to chance, but to guard in every way the charge which hath been committed to him.

Inesse quin etiam sanctum aliquid et providum putant: nec aut consilia earum aspernantur, aut responsa negligunt. Vidimus sub divo Vespasiano Veledam diu apud plerosque numinis loco habitam. Sed et olim Auriniam et complures alias venerati sunt non adulatione, nec tanquam facerent deas. IX. Deorum maxime Mercurium colunt, cui certis diebus humanis quoque hostiis litare fas habent.

These mariners made us wait while they finished their preparations. It meant a long voyage to them, a facilis descensus Averni; sed revocare gradum, a very long pull. Then the bow was poled off, the current took us in its arms and swung us out into the stream, and the crowd on the shingle dropped perspectively astern.

I pawsd a minit, and then, thinkin I'd be faseshus with him and see how that would go, I slapt him on the shoulder, bust into a harty larf, and told him that as a yayer he had no livin ekal. He jumpt up as if Bilin water had bin squirted into his ears, groaned, rolled his eyes up tords the sealin and sed: "You're a man of sin!" He then walkt out of the room.

Thattle skewer the white squatter and Nigger vote." The next clause there was only a line or two besides brought an audible exclamation from the reader: "Lassly faw evvy sich school house so bilt the sed Co. Limited shell pay a sum not less than its cost to some white male college in the three counties older then the sed Company Limited." John marvelled.

Whereas I cannot endure to go unbuttoned or untied; my neighbouring labourers would think themselves in chains, if they were so braced. "Nudaque consistunt, formam servantia testae, Vina; nec hausta meri, sed data frusta, bibunt."

Medea in Ovid speaks thus: Frustra, Medea, repugnas, Nescio quid Deus obstat, ait. And a little later Ovid makes her add: Sed trahit invitam nova vis, aliudque Cupido, Mens aliud suadet; video meliora proboque, Deteriora sequor.

"Didn't didn't the 'Postles cast their nets on Sunday?" he asked presently. Up shot Caleb's head. "Huh-h-h?" he gasped. "I sed didn't the 'Postles cast their nets on Sunday?" Steve repeated. "Seems to me they did, but I can't just rec'lict now what chapter it was in." Caleb pulled his face into a semblance of sobriety. "Seems to me they did," he agreed, a little weakly, "now that you mention it.

The Gineral seed me an' he smiled an' sed: "'Oh, Bishop," his voice fell to a proud and tender tone "did you know it was Gineral Johnston that fust named me the Bishop?" "'Oh, Bishop, he said, 'I can see you puttin' a tree betwixt yo'se'f an' special Providence. 'Yes, Gineral, I sed, 'an' I looks on it as a very special Providence jus' at this time.

Cato did not utter the phrase "Victrix causa diis placuit, sed victa Catoni," with more resolution than that with which I answered: "Never!" "Oho! you will never drink wine? We shall see how you keep your word in the course of time!" And that is why I kept my word. Till to-day I have never touched wine.