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"C'est un grand miracle que malgré l'envie, les contradictions, l'opposition presque générale de tous les Villages sauvages, j'aye formé en moins de 3 ans une des plus florissantes missions du Canada.... Je me trouve donc, Messieurs, dans l'occasion de pouvoir étendre l'empire de Jésus Christ et du Roy mes bons maîtres jusqu'aux extrémités de ce nouveau monde, et de plus faire avec quelques secours que vous me procurerez que la France et l'angleterre ne pourraient faire avec plusieurs millions et toutes leur troupes." Copie de la Lettre écrite par M. l'Abbé Picquet, dattée

There was the phase of ravitaillement, the constant provisioning of the whole land; and the phase of secours, the special care of the destitute and the ill and the children. The ring of steel did not immediately make beggars of all the Belgians enclosed within it. Many of them still had money. But, as I have already said, the Germans would not allow any of this money to go out.

Count Altenberg replied, that if a lady's man means an admirer of the fair sex, he was proud to feel that he deserved that compliment; and with much warmth he pronounced such a panegyric upon that sex, without whom "le commencement de la vie est sans secours, le milieu sans plaisir, et la fin sans consolation," that even Lady Anne Arlington raised her head from the hand on which it reclined, and every female eye turned upon him with approbation.

I have had some experience" That inadvertent remark increased the agitation of Maurice, and he answered, in a voice tremulous from the rush of sad recollections, "Who can testify to that better than I? Do you think I have forgotten the good soeur de bon secours whose movements I used to watch, and whose features, dimly traced by the feeble light of the veilleuse, I never ceased to gaze upon, as she moved about my bed?"

He sprang to his feet, put on his official badge, and, seizing me by the arm, shouted: 'I arrest you! Then, when I took the liberty of removing his hand, he called out: 'Au secours! But those to whom he appealed were women, who preferred to let him manage his own business, and who, moreover, were too much amused to interfere.

To the east, and inside the narrow beach territory of the eastern side of the inlet, was Bon Secours Bay, a sort of estuary of Mobile Bay, of sixteen miles in length. The passage of the exposed inlet could be made in a small boat only during calm weather, otherwise the voyager might be blown out to sea, or be forced, at random, into the great sound inside the inlet.

"I was bound not to tell you, but there can be no need of concealment now. Yes, you are right. When the soeur de bon secours we had engaged to take care of you during the day, left, and would have been replaced, according to the usual custom, by another to watch through the night, we told her no watcher was needed before morning.

I must say that that sight affected me much more than the men I had seen earlier in the day. There was no one then to bury horses. We came to the little poste de secours and the officer told us they had been heavily shelled that morning and he sent out an orderly to dig up some of the fuse-tops that had fallen in the field beyond.

It was of no avail that, in the year 1762, the Grand Secours was forbidden by act of parliament; for thenceforth this work was carried on in secrecy, and with greater zeal than ever; it was in vain, too, that some physicians, and among the rest the austere, pious Hecquet, and after him Lorry, attributed the conduct of the Convulsionnaires to natural causes.

I am almost sure, for instance, that my friend Edouard Manning, of Bon Secours plantation, would give me salt if I asked it. He has done so before. Beshrew me, it should go hard with him if he refused." "There's a barrel an' eight boxes o' sacks o' salt aboard," said the practical Jean Lafitte. "What'd you want so much salt for?"