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This time Walter did not forget his etiquette. "I will, sir," replied he meekly. That night when his day's duties had been discharged and he was free, the first thing His Highness did was to pen a much blotted and somewhat incoherent note to Seaver Bay. Almost every sentence of it was underlined and some of the persuasive adjectives and verbs were even emphasized in red pencil.

James Hutchinson; Mrs. Frances Rastall Wyman; Dr. Grace Sherwood. Fatima Davidson; the Rev. Verdi Mack; the Rev. Mary T. Whitney; Mrs. Annette W. Parmelee; Mrs. Jeannette Pease; Mrs. Annie C. Taylor; Miss Emilia Houghton; Mrs. Amanda Seaver; Miss Marguerite Allen; Miss Ann Batchelder; Mrs. James A. Merrill. The earliest record of woman suffrage in Virginia bears the name of Mrs.

The wood road skirting our shore goes right by Seaver Bay and probably the thief reasoned that no one would be on the lookout for him on such an out-of-the-way thoroughfare. At any rate he had to have water for his engine and he took a chance. He told your brother he was touring the Cape, and had you not called Bob up he would have thought no more of the happening.

"Do you happen to know anything about wireless?" inquired Richard one day when, with Achilles prancing far ahead and Boy Blue, Jack Horner, and Rags dashing to keep up with him, the group strode along the beach. "I ought to," was Walter's smiling response. "I've a brother who is an operator at the Seaver Bay station." "No! Really?" The exclamations voiced both surprise and admiration.

Amanda Seaver served as the "watchman on the tower," her husband being a member of the Legislature, and she was assisted by Mrs. Wyman and Mrs. Taylor. A public hearing on the bill for Municipal and Presidential suffrage was held January 21. A large audience in Representatives Hall listened to a convincing address by Mrs.

Think of his picking up wireless enough outside school hours to get a radio job during the war, and afterward that fine position at Seaver Bay! Few lads his age could have done it. And think of the messages he's entrusted with government work, and sinking ships, and goodness knows what not!" The proud mother ceased for lack of breath. "I wish I was like Bob," sighed Walter gloomily.

And forthwith, having settled the matter in his mind, and to his complete satisfaction, Bertram gave his undivided attention to Seaver, who had already plunged into an account of a recent Art Exhibition he had attended in Paris.

Bertram to go off with that man and and drink too much. But Uncle William hasn't liked him before, not one bit! I've heard him talk about him that Mr. Seaver." Mrs. Hartwell raised both her hands, palms outward. "Billy, it is useless to talk with you. You are quite impossible. It is even worse than I expected!" she cried, with wrathful impatience. "Worse than you expected?

Whereas information has been received that an atrocious murder, aggravated by the additional crime of robbery, was, on the 6th or 7th day of this present month, committed in the county of Alexandria and District of Columbia on William Seaver, late of this city; and

To Billy, of course, Bertram said nothing of all this; but just before Christmas he went to see a noted specialist. An hour later, almost in front of the learned surgeon's door, Bertram met Bob Seaver. "Great Scott, Bertie, what's up?" ejaculated Seaver. "You look as if you'd seen a ghost." "I have," answered Bertram, with grim bitterness.