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Sea-blues, sea-greens, sad by contrast, began to reassert their presence on walls and carpet and hangings. "The black dress? madame decides to remain then?" As she spoke the lady's-maid laid out the jewels, chains, bracelets, brooches, each stone set in a rim of tiny rose-knots of delicate workmanship. As she fingered them little, yellow-pink flames seemed to dance in their many facets.

Venice glowed and plashed and called and chimed again; the air was like a clap of hands, and the scattered pinks, yellows, blues, sea-greens, were like a hanging-out of vivid stuffs, a laying-down of fine carpets. Densher rejoiced in this on the occasion of his going to the station to meet the great doctor.

Not all of them were green, however, for the branches and leaves were of a variety of gorgeous colors. Some were purple, shading down to a light lavender; and there were reds all the way from a delicate rose-pink to vivid shades of scarlet. Orange, yellow and blue shades were there, too, mingling with the sea-greens in a most charming manner.

Sea-greens, sea-blues, died in the heat of it, abashed and vanquished. But so did not Madame de Vallorbes' white lawn and lace peignoir, or her abundant hair, which Zélie Forestier trim of figure, and sour of countenance was in the act of dressing. These caught the fiery light and held it, so that from head to foot Helen appeared as an image of living gold.