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And noo my life sail gang to mak up til her!" "And I maun see to the manse!" rejoined his mother. " And first in order o' a', that Jinse o' yours 'ill hae to gang!" "As ye like, mother. But for the manse, I maun clear oot o' that! I'll speak nae mair frae that poopit! I hae hypocreesit in 't ower lang! The vera thoucht o' 't scunners me!"

The masters of watches are also called "scunners" they go up night and day in the forebarrel to "scun" the ship that is, to find the way or leads through the ice. This word comes from "con" of the conning tower on a man-of-war. When the morning of the 10th arrives, all is excitement. Fortunately this year a southwest wind had blown the ice a mile or so offshore. Now all the men are on board.

But to see sma' craters cock their noses and their tails as gin they had inherited the michty deeds as weel as the names o' their forbears, jist scunners me, and turns my blude into the gall o' bitterness�-and that's scripter for't." After further consultation, Mr and Mrs Bruce came to the conclusion that it might be politic, for Robert's sake, to treat the librarian with consideration.

"I am only waiting till your lordship's mastiff is out of the way," answered Cosmo. "That you may set him at me again, as that old hag of yours did this morning!" As he spoke they had neared the kitchen-door, open as usual, and Grizzie heard what he said. "That's as big a lee as ever your lordship h'ard tell i' the coort," she cried. "It's the natur o' dougs to tak scunners. They see far ben.

That can hae no pairt i' what fowk ca's the plan o' salvation as gien the consumin fire o' the Love eternal was to be ca'd a plan! Hech, minister, it scunners me! But for the fut, it's aye perfec' eneuch to be my pattern, for it's the only ane I hae to follow! It's Himsel sets the shape o' the shune this or that man maun weir!"