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He stepped away from her a moment and replaced the now empty vial in his pocket. "Then he took a box from his pocket, opened it. There must have been a syringe and a bottle of scopolamine. Where they came from I do not know, but perhaps from some hospital. I shall have to find that out later. He went to Elaine, quickly jabbing the needle, with no resistance from her now.

All the way back to the office he was loud in his praises and thanked us most heartily, as he put on his hat and coat and shook hands a cordial good-bye. Now comes the strange part of my story. After Reinstrom had gone, Dr. Holmes, the attending physician of the woman whom we had seen anesthetized, missed his syringe and the bottle of scopolamine.

Dodge," he said, "please bring me a basin and a towel." Aunt Josephine, reconciled, brought them. Kennedy dropped an antiseptic tablet into the water and carefully sterilized Elaine's arm just above the spot where the red mark showed. Then he drew the hypodermic from his pocket carefully sterilizing it, also, and filling it with scopolamine from the bottle.

Some years ago two German Physicians, Kroenig and Grauss, of the University of Baden, startled the world by announcing: "Dammerschlaf" or "Twilight Sleep," a treatment which rendered childbirth almost painless and free from dangerous complications. A woman's clinic was established at Freiburg where a combination of scopolamine and morphine was given.

"Miss Sears," he asked rather testily, "what have you done with the hypodermic and the scopolamine?" "Nothing," she protested. "You must have done something." She repeated that she had not. "Well, it is very strange then," he said, "I am positive I laid the syringe and the bottle right here on this tray on the table." Holmes, Miss Sears and Miss Stern all hunted, but it could not be found.