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"We have heard it intimated that when General Schnierle is a candidate for the mayoralty, they are regularly assessed for means to defray the expenses of the canvass. Instances are not wanting where amounts of money are paid monthly to General Schnierle's police as a reward for shutting their eyes and closing their lips when unlawful proceedings are in progress.

We have at this moment in our possession a certificate from a citizen, sworn to before Mr. Thus bribery is added to guilt, and those who should enforce the laws are made auxiliaries in their violation. Said one of these slave-destroyers to us, 'General Schnierle suits us very well. I have no trouble with General Schnierle' remarks at once repugnant and suggestive. * We are told by one, that Mr.

According to his promise, Captain Foster went to the city on the 19th to hold an interview with General Schnierle and "several other prominent citizens of Charleston" on the subject of the alleged "intense excitement" which was again paraded as a menace to induce him to return the arms.

An additional reason for this animosity toward Mr. Hutchinson arises from the fact that the names of offenders were always published during that gentleman's administration, while under that of General Schnierle they are screened from public view. On any Sunday evening, light may be seen in the shops of these dealers.

The muskets had scarcely reached their destination when Captain Foster was astonished by receiving a letter from the military storekeeper saying that the shipment of the forty muskets had caused intense excitement; that General Schnierle, the Governor's principal military officer, had called upon him, with the declaration that unless the excitement could be allayed some violent demonstration would be sure to follow; that Colonel Huger had assured the Governor that no arms should be removed from the arsenal.