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"Don't get scart, my boy," returned Tom Hardynge. "We'll take care of you." He much preferred that they should all take care of themselves by giving their animals the rein and permitting the Apaches to make no nearer approach. But the scouts were obstinate and remained as motionless as statues.

"There! there! don't get huffy. I ain't got the right to say what your rights are, Ros. And I don't think for a minute you'd back water on the Lane business a-purpose. But I do think you're takin' chances. I tell you, honest, I'm scart of old Colton, in a way, and I ain't scart of many folks. He's a fighter and he's smart. He and I have had some talks " "You have?" I interrupted. "Yup.

"I reckon that will tell them what we think of their threat; and that we're too old to be scart like little school boys," and he sprang on the back of his horse. "Now for Sacramento City!" and the two boys, with watchful eyes glancing all around them, resumed their lonely journey toward the new city on the Sacramento.

I'll bring a passel of my bully byes with me, and they'll make things lively at de camp." Long Tom remained silent, but a close observer might have seen a look on his face telling that his part of the program was not exactly agreeable, but he was not a man to shirk a hard task. "Won't I laugh to hear de women scream and to see 'em run over benches like scart sheep," said Monster Turner.

"That's what the men couldn't find out. The old chief was mighty surly, too, an' wouldn't tell nothin'. But thar was one thing I did notice," he continued. "While the rest was hootin' an' shoutin', a scart look come over Pritchen's face when he heered that the girl had skipped, an' that the chief was cranky. He seemed feered of somethin', an' I can't make out jist what it is."

Answer me! Stop that Saint Vitus dancin' and answer me this minute!" She gave him a shake and his cap fell to the floor. From it fell an envelope. Lute pulled himself free and pounced upon it. "There 'tis!" he exclaimed. "By time! I was scart I'd lost it! Read it, Ros! read it!" He handed me the envelope. It bore my name.

I reckon your wife'd scare any redskin off her clearin'." "Many the time she scart me," said Bill Cowan. And so the matter went by with a laugh. But the grumbling continued, and the danger was that the French would learn of it. The day passed, yet the embers blazed not into the flame of open mutiny.

If you ain't there, or if you say a single word to a human being you see this?" and I stuck the end of my hoss-pistol under her nose. "Well, I'll blow the head clean off your shoulders with it." Then I laid back my ears and rolled my eyes around. Well, sir, she was scart so's she didn't know anything but what I said.

"Den MacNair come on de school and brung de policeman, LeFroy he 'fraid for scart, and he goin' hide in de kitchen, and Ay drag him out and brung him 'long to see MacNair. LeFroy, he 'fraid lak' haal. He squeal MacNair goin' kill him. But Ay tal him das ain't much loss annyhow. If he goin' kill him it's besser he kill him now, den Ay ain't got to bodder wit' him no more.

At the sound of Jerry's voice, the boys came out from under the wagon, both looking exceedingly foolish. "I'll never get under a wagon again, if you do order me to," said Hal, turning towards Jerry. "It was a shame to send me under there when I wasn't scart a particle." "Oh! you wasn't, hey?